Need help, lots of pics...... something is wrong.


Active Member
Did you put your hand over the top of the plant to see how hot it gets? I sill would flush as above.
yeah i have a conventional thermometer at cola level, it is consistent with the min max thermometer, so i have good temp distribution.... and no the tops arent hot at all....

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
can someone tell me if it is ok to use a 400w hps bulb in a magnetic ballast that currently has a 600w hps in it?
Only use the right bulb but you can use a larger watt bulb than what your ballest calls for.Never use one smaller and dont use the wrong wattage unless its an emergency


Active Member
Looks like you need some cal mag bro,that looks like a magnesium defency to me
if it was a deficiency, it would be a constant problem..... this happened all of a sudden, and now that i have checked it out it coincided with a cold snap in temps.

it got all 3 plants at the same time, plants are in different soil mixes, but have the same watering routine and nute mix's.

since our weather has warmed up.... it seems that the problem has diminished.... although i would like to know how to turn the existing yellow parts back to green.... was gonna use epsom salts but was told not to till after the flush..... so at this stage it is just a waiting game, will wait 2 more days before the flush and then go from there.


Active Member

Well here they are today.... gonna flush tommorow. Leaves are starting to do weird things.... ill let the pictures do the talking, any help is appreciated. thnx.

Please ignore the parts that have been eaten, i have sinced killed all the bugs... im worried about the lighter parts inbetween the veins, i also have some wilting on lower leaves, and actually a bit of yellowing on some of the lower leaves, although this is only a couple of leaves i am getting concerned noob stylez.


Rebel From The North
there is a def starting, as to what one il leave that to a expert. but they look over watered!!
do those pots have good drainage holes?


Active Member
yeah man, plenty of holes in the bottom, and about a dozen on the sides... nice big thumb sized holes.... havent watered them in 3 days.... so im pretty sure they were over watered, hoping to dry them out and flush, but i want the soil to dry out a bit more first, i was gonna flush today but still too much moisture in the soil. I bought some TUI Trace Elements today... here is a pic

but until i know what it is i am reluctant to add this stuff.


Active Member
arghhhhhhh........ missus just told me she has been giving a bit of water during the day while i am away at work......ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!...... atleast she meant well LOL!!!


Active Member
overwatering, as with my last post... i just found out why they were overwatered..... but i have another problem which is some sort of deficiency or lock out etc ... so im gonna wait for the soil to dry a bit more so they can perk up again. After that im gonna do a flush and hopefully that will fix the problem, if i flush now they would likely go into more serious shock.... before this my plants were beutiful, leaves were stretched happy as......


Rebel From The North
well im sure she means well and its great shes takeing interest, but you should ask her if she PHing the water?
this could be your problem. also you should just flush anyhow dont wait. faster you flush the faster you can get
back on track


Active Member
im getting disheartened....

my plants are auto lowryders, they should be finishing right about now... they broke ground on the 1st feb.

2 months later and still not a bud to look at.... plants have shown sex, 2 girls.

plants are nearly 3 feet tall.

wtf is going on.....!!!!.... im getting ready to throw them out and turn of the switch and give up growing.

Give Me

im getting disheartened....

my plants are auto lowryders, they should be finishing right about now... they broke ground on the 1st feb.

2 months later and still not a bud to look at.... plants have shown sex, 2 girls.

plants are nearly 3 feet tall.

wtf is going on.....!!!!.... im getting ready to throw them out and turn of the switch and give up growing.
Did I miss a few pics? You stated they were Auto's that should be just about done-yet I saw not 1 Flower/bud on them? I could have misread? I have not done autos as of yet, not to ask a stupid ? but have you looked at or posted in the Auto Growers thread? I really hope you can figure this out, hate to see someone give up due to a bad run. I try to keep in mind that even a "Bad grow" is extremely educational if nothing else it teaches me what not to do again :) I have also learned the importance of keeping some sort of log/journal for tribulations like these. I know I could not make your situation better, just hope I could help relieve the sting.


Active Member
my mate had the same problem as this it turned out it was the ph he thought the ph was 6.2 when really it was 8. something due to meter not being calabrated ,once the meter was sorted an the correct ph was added th plant was able to use nutes in its range, so my opinion is you have some lockout of other utrients due to ph being too high or to low


Active Member
my mate had the same problem as this it turned out it was the ph he thought the ph was 6.2 when really it was 8. something due to meter not being calabrated ,once the meter was sorted an the correct ph was added th plant was able to use nutes in its range, so my opinion is you have some lockout of other utrients due to ph being too high or to low
my water is at about 7.5, when i add my nute (budzilla1) i get a water ph of 5. I tested my run-off water and the ph is back to 7.5. does that help?