hello fellow growers
i have baby plant that is almost 2 weeks old with its first set of leaves developed and its second set on the way, so i here i am getting ready to start feeding the seedling but i am stuck on the feeding schedule could anyone help me make a schedule for them?
here are the nutrients i have for my babys
-alaskan fish fertilizer
-bone and blood meal mix
-miracle grow ultra bloom
-black strap molasses
-i also have dolomite lime and cow manure
any help would be greatlyyy appreciated thx again everyone!
i have baby plant that is almost 2 weeks old with its first set of leaves developed and its second set on the way, so i here i am getting ready to start feeding the seedling but i am stuck on the feeding schedule could anyone help me make a schedule for them?
here are the nutrients i have for my babys
-alaskan fish fertilizer
-bone and blood meal mix
-miracle grow ultra bloom
-black strap molasses
-i also have dolomite lime and cow manure
any help would be greatlyyy appreciated thx again everyone!