Those "bits" is the main growth shoot. IT will grow, put out 2 opposing branches with a fan leaf on each (most likely 3 bladed). Then it will grow more and put out 2 more opposing branches with fan leaves (likely 5 bladed). Then more growing and more branches and fan leaves (5 then 7..most stop at 7 or 9 but 11 isnt unheard of) The whole time the "bits" will be growing up and producing new branches at the nodes (where the branches meet the stem).
As it gets bigger, new shoots will grow from the nodes at the crux of the branch and stem. Branches start branching and the main tip keeps growing up and producing more branches.
And its "hydroponic" not "hydropolic"
Why did you choose hydro with such little experience with growing? IMO, soil is easier for first timers. You can get an idea of how a plant grows and what to expect, how to spot and remedy common problems and how to flower for decent results.
I would do some reading on cannabis cultivation. Look at lots of pictures, learn about nutrients, pH, vegetative and flowering states, lighting etc. It will be a lot easier for you if you go into it with some idea of what to expect.
Good luck! I cant wait to see the harvest. Be sure to post pics.