need help now


Active Member
ok so im on felony probation and my girlfriend has been growing weed at her house we got in a fight and her grama called my po and said i was groing there today 2 shiriff people dressed normally came to her house and took her shit she opend the door they barged in and such. then i wake up to some crazy guy knocking on every window in my house dressed like a normall person driving an suv i didnt answer the door at all its been about an hour since all this happend and i have to go to probation today. wtf do i do do i call my po becouse shes the one that sent them.

wtf do i do idk why they would come to my house maybe becouse they think its mine?

they didnt arest her just said if she didnt find someone to sell her pills she would go to jail why are they coming here?

only one person came here dressed normally with papers in his hands but he really really wanted to come in if they had a warrent he would have came in right? atleast a warrent to arrest me please please please reply with any help also what kinda charge is it to grow 4plants in ny ?


Active Member
im thinking about going into my hospital and telling them im suicidal just to get away from all this i dont even know what to do


Active Member
how long do they have before they charge any of us in ny? someone please help im sitting here all fucking sketched out norml doesnt really tell me what kinda charge 4 plants is so???????


Well-Known Member
they didnt arest her just said if she didnt find someone to sell her pills she would go to jail why are they coming here<- wtf does that mean?
dont get in fights at a grow house . and your girl grandma is a bitch unless you were being a complete moron which no offense sounds more likely. you wont get charged with those plants they are not yours but you still shouldnt be around that if somethin went down you would be fucked. just go see your po like your supposed to cause they will fuck you over if you dont


Well-Known Member
she's the one doing the growing at her place.

if you get piss tested they might try to nab you for parole violation with a 'random' piss test.

the sheriff's office didn't have enough to have a warrant for your gf's place..they had reasonable suspicion. she probably let them in....

even if your on probation, they have consent to search your stuff, not her place...

the only way it will exist is if she tells the cops the plants are yours, which she will probably, because she has her grandmother's statement to reaffirm her case.

don't talk to the cops without a lawyer, and as far as your concerned, you had no knowledge of illegal activity..... you should stick to this story, and again, say nothing to the police.

they have no evidence proving the weed was yours exept the grandmother's testimony and the girl's, who's the one who was in direct custody of the illegal material, and should face charges.... the cops will get her to plead out to a lesser charge and point the finger at you, so you'll be in violation of parole, and they get two convictions with that one damn call by a concerned grandmother.....

get all bowls, drugs, weapons out of your house just in case they come back....

good luck....


Active Member
its already to late for that but she said that she wasnt gona be there for differnt days this month so ima just say i thought this was one of those days or im going to call when ik there office is closed and say o shit sorry i was asleep. thanks for actually replying im scetched out as fuck. im thinking that sence i have been at the buisness end of a search warrent with 6 shirrif cars that becouse they came un marked looking like people they dont want people to know shes been busted and they wana flip us? does that seem reasonable or am i just retarded?

please parden my spelling adn gramar as my hands are shaking and im rather nervous
Just hope that you did not have any finger prints on the stuff, also it was at her house where it was being grown at, not yours


Active Member
ive already gotten everything out of my house nothing illegal is in here and its probation not porale so a little les strict. is there really anyway i could even get in any trouble if i say there not mine becouse there is nothing here even to lead people to beleave there mine ive gotten rid off all my high times and everything


Active Member
it was at her house and there is fingerprints on the totes there in but thats just becuse there mine? would they really go as far as to dust for prints?


Well-Known Member
their not going to charge you for growing weed thats not yours so stop worrying about that. what you should be worried about is missing a meeting with your po


Active Member
theres no point now shes not in her just trying to think of why one person came here not dressed like a cop with papers in his hand knocked like crazy but would not open an unlocked door? if they wanted to arrest me wouldnt an officer have came? thats why i think there trying to use us to get to other people instead. im still trying to figure out the actuall charge of 4 maybe 1 foot plants in ny all i can find is wieght


Well-Known Member
if the cops were going to arrest you or anything they would have done it already. get rid of the girlfriend and her little grandma too... and you have to back out of such situations dont let people get you so angry that you have there family callin the cops. and how the fuck does she know your po number?


Active Member
shes been trying to get me arested ever since me and my girl have been together over a year and a half. even though u say that im still gona be shitten bricks becouse i am scared ive already dont time not alot but 6 months and ive been doing wicked good on probation i got a job with a felony been doing real good im just so fucking scared my life is about to get raped anally. her moms bf also reports to the same po and she was saying that if i was to get jail time i wouldnt get much? he also might have said there was plants there. cause hes a fucking retard. should i just play dumb act like i know nothing of the situation? im just so scared of a cop coming here and taking me away once again jail is not a fun place to be at all specially now cause ill be looking at prison


Active Member
they also asked her where i work and my house number as well she told them i was growing flowers? cause they found like 6 soil pucks with barly sprouted seedlings


Active Member
since the person franticly knocking at my door did not make access and left and i have not heard from him since that being about 30 mins after my gfs shit was taken is there any reason for me to worry about going to jail tomaro or every day for that matter?


Active Member
an investigator called my house today and then a little after that one comes here to talk to me i answer the door stupidly and he says come outside so we can talk. i think ok so we go outside he says uk why were here we know it was u i deney everything i should have just kept my mouth shut wich i will remember next time. anyway he says o so ur not gona admit it was urs i keep saying idk anything he says well were gona arest the both of u then says if i come down and say its mine ill get an apearence ticket i still say idk what ur talking about he then says well then well have a marked car come down and arrest u and then as hes leaving he says well if u change ur mind u have out investigators number hes also saying u has 6 witnesses saying there mine. judgeing by the fact im not arested and he kept bouncing around they dont have anything on me at all. if there gona keep coming here every day im just gona stop being here fuck this if they had anything they would arrest me right?

someone tell me what u think of that please


Well-Known Member
they have not established probable cause to arrest you. they haven't even searched your shit, which they can, b/c your on probation, that should tell you something about the rigidity of their evidence.

their evidence will not hold up in court.

do the right thing and keep your mouth shut. the word of mouth of a bunch of pot growers won't hold up in court, that's why the DA hasn't gotten the arrest warrant for you.

don't talk to your girlfriend, DO NOT TALK TO THAT BITCH!!!

she and her grandmother are already pointing the finger at you. don't talk to her, if somebody says they saw you talking to her, and she says you were threatening her, you'll be screwed, even if it's not true.

the next time an 'investigator' shows up, make sure to not talk to them, do not open the door.

tell him/her to get out of your property, and you will not speak to them....

that should keep you free for now...