Need Help,nute burn.

I'm using some shitty miracle grow soil,because it was all I could afford at the time on some diesel ryders.

The nutrient balls seem to have all popped and are nuking the fuck out of my plants.

Its time to water them again,and I was wanting to know if flushing them with distilled water will help.

They are about 35 days old.
The nute burn is not so bad,but is getting worse.


Ursus marijanus
I would repot into a better and milder soil. I cannot imagine being able to effectively flush that "timed-release" stuff. cn


Well-Known Member
Just an FYI for the future...flushing to get ri of nutes in soil always makes overfert worse, almost never makes it get better.


Ursus marijanus
Just an FYI for the future...flushing to get ri of nutes in soil always makes overfert worse, almost never makes it get better.
The exception is when the nutes were applied as a solution and not initially present in the soil. cn


Well-Known Member
Just an FYI for the future...flushing to get ri of nutes in soil always makes overfert worse, almost never makes it get better.
How so?

Over fert usually refers to over fertilisation of the medium. Too many salts build in the medium and this slows the passage of K, making it more difficult for plants to take up. This shows first on the fan leaves, making the edges of the leaves necrotic (or burned). One way to tell the difference between over and under feeding is that an over fed plant will be perfectly healthy aside from the death of the fan leaves. An underfed plant will most likely have other deficiencies too, like purple stems from a P deficiency and yellowing leaves from nitrogen deficiency. Non of this accounts for genetic predispositions toward poor nutrient take up either though.

sometimes things go wrong and it's nobody's fault but the plant's.

However if too many salts are in the medium it is better to flush them out of there.
I wasn't able to pick any great soil up today,as I live in the middle of no where.

I did buy this however.

organic top soil
Peat moss

Will I be able to use this mix?