need help on drying


Hi all i have a slight problem i need to dry my bud i cant use my grow room as i have 2 plants in there the only other place i can think off is the loft but its cold up there ive just placed a load of big buds in a massive box with a lid on i made loads of holes in the box first ive also got a load of bud on a flat board in the loft but im scared beeing up there is going to harm the bud with the temp spiders ect can anyone thing of a better place to dry it out. where my grow tent is its a shed so i cant but them there as its cold outside my grow tent in the shed help plz

john mc

Active Member
i was researching a smell-less way of drying that you may like. Put the buds in water for a day in darkness, drain the water then just hang them in the tent. The water is ment to take out all the leftover nutes and stuff you dont want to smoke. I was advised that it may take taste/smell away from my buds and this did happen :( however it then dried to a crisp in just over a day and the smoke is smooth. PS, i doubted this before i tried it.


Well-Known Member
wow stay away from water cureing that shit is just a waste after all the work you put in. justhang the shit froma coat hanger in your bedroom with a fan blowing air around


Well-Known Member
ive done the water cure thing before was not happy ended up grinding it up and making butter with it. thing to keep in mind is that youdo not need complete darkness to dry indirect lightis fine. cardboard boxesputoff nasty chemicals fromthe glues and processes used to make them... that new box smell. you just need to hand em up for a week then you can jarem u if you need to you can dump it back out on a tray and aim a fan at it for a couple hrs. if it is still too wet


Well-Known Member
here in the desert it only takes 2 days to dry before i jar them. any longer and they're too dry. i just hung them up in my bathroom with the fan running in it with the door closed. we have two bathrooms and one is in my room so i just put them in there. turned the fan on and bam. when the fans on i didnt really get any smell leaving the bathroom.