Need help on first growing.


Active Member
This is the first time i have grown need some advice read alot in books and on internet. I have just planted a germinated sead root tip up also I planted it in a strophome solo cup. I thought it would help out on transplanting. I need to know is do i need to cover it with clear plastic and also do i seal it when i cover it or should i poke some holes in the plastic for air flow. How much should i water it at the begining and should i have it under lights in the begining stage of life.


Well-Known Member
you dont have to cover it with plastic,,, some people do that cause the lack of humidity in their area but most people dont,,,,:peace:....


Active Member
it seems to keep it very humid and moist inside the cup when i do this but i poked holes in it and seemed to dry out a little better should i do this or should i seal it back up


Active Member
ok, should i put it under lights remember this has just been planted a couple hours ago right now I have my light very far from the cup


Well-Known Member
O.K.,, if you are going to keep it covered make sure it has holes, enough so you dont smother it,,,,with the cover make sure your lights are right on top of the cover if you are using cfls, if not covered put the cfl lights about 2 inches from the top of your plant.....:peace: good luck...