Need help on making a short spear.

I don't own an M1A, but I do have a stamp for full auto.
I had seen you post some pics before of your black rifles, I was just wondering.
Now that they make a bullet button for the M1a's now(in Cali), i'm gonna turn my socom16 into this:
I already have the EOTech:-)
I have a loaded m1a and a scout also:-)
I had seen you post some pics before of your black rifles, I was just wondering.
Now that they make a bullet button for the M1a's now(in Cali), i'm gonna turn my socom16 into this:
View attachment 3448314
I already have the EOTech:-)
I have a loaded m1a and a scout also:-)

very interesting, i'd like to see it in action some day! you should have a pretty sweet setup there. bummer you are forced to use one... pfft California. lol

Your polearm will most closely resemble a Medieval European glaive (single edged) or a Siberian palma although the haft (handle) and head were typically longer in both. The short stabbing spear (dual edged) was most effectively used in battle by the Zulu (think Shaka Zulu and the Battle of Isandlwana) and was called an iklwa or ixwa, a shorter version of the assegai.

Once you saw the groove in the haft and insert the tang of the knife, you'll need to wrap either wet rawhide strips or wire around it to keep it from splitting. This is structurally the weakest way to mount the head but this is just to be ornamental correct? Post some pictures when you have it completed:)

Couple of links

Well the total length will be around 3ft, with a 3" single edged hooked blade at the end.

Plan is after I cut the groove to fit the blade, tack in place with dowels, then fill the sides around the tang of the blade with a sandable putty.

Once it's been stained, wrap leather grips at the end of the haft, middle, and the leather cord under the blade.

I'll definitely post pictures when I'm done. Just gotta run by the store and pick up a few things when I have time.

What kind of knife? Don't ruin it yet. Some knives are worth money.

It's a Schrade fixed blade. It was pretty ruined when I found it. The tip was broken off, and there were chunks missing out of the blade near the hilt. I ended up grinding all that down to add a gut hook and had to put a new tip on it.