Need help. Ph problems


New Member
I was having an issue with ph and wasn't aware of it until a couple days ago when my plants starting to have reddish stems and little brown dots on some of the leaves which were curling down. I tested my ph and my soil run off was 5.5. So I bought ph up and now it's at 6.5. My question is how long before the plants react to the better ph and stop having deficiencies not due to lack of nutrients. 3 of my four plants are still to wet to re water and haven't even gotten ph adjusted water yet.


Well-Known Member
First of all you DO NOT TEST PH BY THE RUN OFF! Second if you need to test the soil you need a QUALITY soil PH meter. Third if the soil actually needs adjusting you do it slowly. Fourth pictures really help. I'm not so sure you have PH problems. It could also be nute burn.


New Member
I test the water I water with and the run off water for ph and my ph is on point now and the phosphorus defiecancy is clearly gone and my girls are doing great. It for sure wasn't nute burn and all is well! I had like 4 leaves die on one plant but that's it. Looking like I'm going to pull a little over a pound out of a 3x3 area with 600 watts.Thank you for your help. I've tried uploading pictures but my phone won't let me and it's no longer worth getting my computer for