need help picking out tent...


Active Member
I need help picking out a grow tent. I want a medium (4'x4'). I have been looking at agromax, secret jardin, and the generics on amazon. I can't seem to settle my decision, so any of you have any suggestions for a good tent under $200?


Well-Known Member
how many plants are u looking to do and with what kind of light

the 2 best tents are secret jardin ...........and gorrllia

i own this one and it has lasted 2 years ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the cheaper ones i only have one of them left (the cross bars are crap) i had to hang the light on the actual frame of the tent

but i own a dr90 dr120 and dr150..............they are good tents and u will happier u got one of these then one of the cheaper brands

if u do get a cheaper on get a zipper repair kit at some point and time will need it
I'm using a 55x55x79 agro max tent n my girls are booming in there absolutely love it. Good tent got it at hug supply it's there large agromax tent just a lil over 4x4


Well-Known Member
Between those two I would definitely go w the Lighthouse. Way more cooling options than the Milliard. I have an Oasis 9x5 that I paid a lot for and a Homebox 3x3 that I didnt and I cant see a difference in quality only options. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
that one is crap the cross bars broke ....the flaps they have covering the vent in points on all of u are sewed on to keep it open u have to tape it up and this will always fall down at some point ..the screen on them the mash is wide allowing little bugs in (want a pic to see the different between a good vent intake screen and a crappy one )

sir think of like this it is a investment ..............if u are really worried about getting busted the gorilla tent is the choice with a IR blocker feature (plus can hold 300 lbs of gear)

other wise Secret Jardin Darkroom rev 2.5 ............theses hold up to 70 lbs of gear and were ranked the best until gorilla came out

those other tent u might get 3 5 grows from but then something will break the reason they are cheaper is the materials and work done it is lower then the 2 i am telling u about

Aunt Mary

If you are in the US, get the Fortress tent from Sunlight Supply

If you are in the EU, get a Mammoth tent from KJ products (same company that manufacture Gavita lights).

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
If you dont wanna go with a tent and only want to do a reasonable size plant fund an old sturdy wardrobe and deck it out....I decked out a nice wardrobe 8 ft high but only 5ft wide with a 400wt hps for personal kept me in the buds for 4 years zips..just two doors to open one gor feed etc and the other to get to the plant :)


Well-Known Member
Literally my entire set up is Apollo... But I would get an Apollo tent, they pretty nice and better than more expensive competition IMO. Their ballasts are also great quality


Well-Known Member
I run two of the dark rooms by secret jargon, they're great and worth the money. Plus the company itself is easy to deal with.

Cheap equipment isn't good and good equipment isn't cheap.