Need help picking some strands

Chowder Head

Active Member
Hey guys long time lurker, only recent now poster.

I'll be using a DWC system (at least six plants, maybe more) for the vegetative growth and another DWC for the flowering stage. (this is ok, right?)

Now I need to finalize what strands. I say strands because I was thinking about growing maybe two. Reason being so I could mix it up a bit and smoke one when I'm looking to feel what that offers and the other when I'm looking for that. For the longest time I've been stuck on White Widow. And rightfully so, because from what I've read, it's a great tried and true plant that doesn't grow that tall, grows rather quickly, and is fairly easy to maintain. I was going to go with an AK-47 for the other, since they are both roughly the same indica/sativa mix so they would grow and harvest around the same time but I found new strand that is getting rave reviews. And that would be Jock Horror.

From what I've read, it's a crazy cerebral, primarily Sativa plant. Now here's my question. If I wanted to, could I grow White Widow and Jock Horror at the same time, 3 in each system? Or is this not a good idea since the Jock Horror would of course be taller than the Widow, that the light would have to be raised to accommodate the Jock but be too high for the Widow to prosper? Frankly, I don't know what to because I'm not sure if it's advisable to grow an Indica and Sativa plant at the same time in the same enclosure due to the different characteristics of each plant. Any ideas?

Last but not least, if anyone has smoked either White Widow, AK-47, or Jock Horror, PLEASE tell me your opinion of it. The more descriptive the better, such as the smoke was smooth/heavy, it did this to me, it made me want to do this, and so forth.

I'm still torn on what to get so any replies from anyone would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
You can always tie down the sativa. I would only do 2 though so you have room to bend them into. Oh and its a strain not a strand.


Active Member
I personally like the white strains. I grow white Russian, purple x cotton candy, romulan, snowcap, ak-47, real good dope, aura boura, mighty mite, and jack herer. Now when you pick a strain there are factors taste and type of high. You can't go wrong with a purple strain bc they taste creamy and delicious and gives good body high cause its an indica strain. Ak-47 is bomb because its been found that ak-47 traces back to the original beginnings of pot. Super head high is always nice for the day. White Russian is a cross breed of ak-47 and white widow and is a personal favorite. Can't really tell ya what to get though

Chowder Head

Active Member
Oh, the AK-47 gives you a head high? I thought it gave you somewhat of a cerebral high but primarily a couch lock?

If that's the case, can someone explain to me the differences between AK-47 and White Widow? Does the White Russian take the best parts from each and it's that good of a strain that's it's kinda pointless to grow AK-47 AND White Widow since the White Russian takes the best from both? Can you explain the experience of White Russian a little more in detail dpmatrix?

Any other replies would still be appreciated, thanks.


Active Member
most people wont agree with me.. but id say the auto flowering diesel ryder outdoors... i got 1 harvest this year already.. and just use miracle gro moisture control 3 months... this way u only need soil and water and outdoor sunlight =) u get a harvest about every 2 months and YES if u add it up. i pull about 17g dry off one plant... times that by 3 becuz i get 3 harvest a year outdoors. now u tell me who gets more bud? diesel ryder or normal strains which take 4-5 months to grow maybe 1-2 oz per plant.. just my thoughts... GOODLUCK


Active Member
honestly dude... it depends on you... now everyone LOVES WHITE WIDOW and it is very good A+ but if u want a fast grow and a good A- buzz. take my advice. if not good luck ill stay posted on ya grow when ya start


Active Member
White Russian contains the highest THC of any strain 22%. Very fresh taste I enjoy it alot. White Russian is a indica/sativa mix gives me a great body high and cerebral high(head high). White widow is a strong indica(body) where as ak-47 is a strong sativa(head high). Ak-47 is very high in THC content as well 21%.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
This is my first suggestion. From reading your post I am pretty sure you are a first time grower. Well, it is hard enough for a newbie grower to finish a crop and get good buds from it. Now you want to throw a curve ball before you even begin. Different strains have different needs. I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU GROW ONLY ONE STRAIN. And your main concern should only be finding a strain that is easy to grow and very forgiveing. Some strains you can load the Nutrients on HOT AND HEAVY, others you need to be delicute with them. You grow more then one strain, you at least double the chance of failure.

Just my Opinion.

At least you are not telling us you want to grow 150 plants in Hydro your first go around.

Hey guys long time lurker, only recent now poster.

I'll be using a DWC system (at least six plants, maybe more) for the vegetative growth and another DWC for the flowering stage. (this is ok, right?)

Now I need to finalize what strands. I say strands because I was thinking about growing maybe two. Reason being so I could mix it up a bit and smoke one when I'm looking to feel what that offers and the other when I'm looking for that. For the longest time I've been stuck on White Widow. And rightfully so, because from what I've read, it's a great tried and true plant that doesn't grow that tall, grows rather quickly, and is fairly easy to maintain. I was going to go with an AK-47 for the other, since they are both roughly the same indica/sativa mix so they would grow and harvest around the same time but I found new strand that is getting rave reviews. And that would be Jock Horror.

From what I've read, it's a crazy cerebral, primarily Sativa plant. Now here's my question. If I wanted to, could I grow White Widow and Jock Horror at the same time, 3 in each system? Or is this not a good idea since the Jock Horror would of course be taller than the Widow, that the light would have to be raised to accommodate the Jock but be too high for the Widow to prosper? Frankly, I don't know what to because I'm not sure if it's advisable to grow an Indica and Sativa plant at the same time in the same enclosure due to the different characteristics of each plant. Any ideas?

Last but not least, if anyone has smoked either White Widow, AK-47, or Jock Horror, PLEASE tell me your opinion of it. The more descriptive the better, such as the smoke was smooth/heavy, it did this to me, it made me want to do this, and so forth.

I'm still torn on what to get so any replies from anyone would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
from what I've heard, jock horror is just a cheap imitation of jack herer.
now, If I was you, I'd grow ak-47 and a pure indica, you know, wanna get both extremes. crazy head buzz, and then major couch lock.