need help plant not lookin good i think


new grower here posted a couple of times got tons of responces the first time but not so much the second. basically i have no idea how much water i should be givin my little guy and when to transplant. im using a 200watt cfl only one. the temp is around 84 85 ph level 6.5. im useing a spot in my wardrobe because im broke as hell but wanna grow some nug. if ne one can help me id reLLY APPRECIATE IT.



Well-Known Member
new grower here posted a couple of times got tons of responces the first time but not so much the second. basically i have no idea how much water i should be givin my little guy and when to transplant. im using a 200watt cfl only one. the temp is around 84 85 ph level 6.5. im useing a spot in my wardrobe because im broke as hell but wanna grow some nug. if ne one can help me id reLLY APPRECIATE IT.
water wen the soil is completely dry, and u dont want a guy u want a girl lol,transplant wen roots stick out of the drainage wholes,u should be using a 65k for vegging and 27k for flowering and 200 watts is good for now but add more on as it gets bigger, temps are good and so is ur ph, it seems like u have the concept of every thing

it looks fine btw


thank you for he responce whiteryno420 i was also wondering when i should feed it nutrients i purchased some plant tone and the numbers on the side are 5-3-3


Well-Known Member
Plant looks good
light does not look like a 200 watter?
cup looks clear BAD FOR ROOTS wrap it with duct tape


well not enough light aside for the moment, that lil lady (fingers crossed) can be in that pot for three to four weeks unless she decides to just take off like crazy, at this point she needs to be kept damp but not water logged i would water ever three days with a table spoon or two right at her base until she starts showing real growth, hopefully that soil isn't full of time released fertilizer she can't handle any real nutrition at this the light..just a small aquarium plant light from wally world would do you much better, and help you get that temp down drastically she kinda looks burnt..hope that helps good growing!