Need Help Please (my plants may be dying)


Active Member
Hey everybody, First time grower, I need some expert advice on my plants. The round leaves on the bottom have yellowed and died, and the yellowing at the tips is moviing upward to other leaves.. bottome leaves are also droopy.. i just watered yesterday so they arent thirsty.. i sprayed the leaves last nightbefore i shut the lights off and today i see even worse discoloration. is anyone agains sprayin leaves w/ food.. (light dose).. some leaves are curling onethe sides.. all in all the plants are still growing but i think the leaves are slowly but surely dying and i dont know whats wrong.. i have pics.. please take a look, sorry they got alot of reflection.



Well-Known Member
well how old is it? its very normal for the lower leaves to turn yellow and die, but if they are ALL doing it then you have another problem on your hands. Go to the GrowFAQ and check out all the possible problems it could be.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU....Actually they dont look too bad. The two round leaves normally fall off. If you are getting dried up tips its because of too much nutes


Active Member
thank you for the help and the welcome.. ok so the round ones fall off, there are two single leafs above those that have turned and is dead or close to it... are those suppose to fall off too? well im gonna just use water for now and see how that goes because i havent used much food at all so far, i guess they dont need it .. thanks!


Active Member
This could be a pH problem in your soil. Adding Dolomite Lime to your soil will bring a more acidic soil pH back up to a neutral zone


Active Member
hmm well the ph meter says its more towards alkalyne 7-8 (god knows if that thing works.. it hasnt seemed to move much at all since ive started)