Need help please. (Soil problem)


Active Member
Well im about to start my first grow and for soil im using FFOF, (Fox farms ocean forest) the problem is, i ordered the 12 qt bag but i dont know what size pots to get for my plants to transplant without running out of soil :neutral:.
So i wanted to know if someone could give me an order of pots to use. (Ex. Party cup- 12in pot- 2 and a half gal,) so if someone could, please tell me the order of pots i should use!!


Well-Known Member
I just use small pots to start with, I guess about the size of a "party cup". From there it's right into their final home, which are anything from 3 to 5 gallon pots, or buckets. No need to transplant every few weeks or so. Just let them get healthy and a relatively decent size in their starter pot, then transplant to final pot.


Well-Known Member
12 qts=3 gallons You can do the math.

You're ok with the party cups, but if you are going to do more than 1 plant in a 3gal pot you'll need more mix.



Well-Known Member
Order some more soil and have spare is always a good idea umbre. Another tip is to cut it 50% with perlite.


Active Member
I started in small pots (probably about the size of a cup, but half as tall and wider) and then just the other day I transplanted into their "medium" sized final pots. I'm not growing any monsters so I didn't feel I needed a large pot or and big bucket.

I'd order another bag........ Better safe than sorry IMO