need help please...yellowing leaves


Well-Known Member
I got a problem with my two plants. They are 22 days old from sprout as of today. The pics are from last night.

So 4 days ago I transplanted into bigger pots. Before I did this there was already some yellowing of the lower older leaves. After the transplant the next day they didnt show any signs of stress. But the yellowing is getting worse on the leaves that this initially started on. I transplanted into FFOF.

I guess im trying to figure out if this is from under watering or a heat issue possibly or a nute deficiency. Could it be a nitrogen deficiency or magnesium def? I suggest magnesium because of the yellowing leaves but there are brown parts that are crispy and break to the touch.

I currently dont have a ph tester I dont know where it went. both plants are in ffof. I havent started any nutrients yet as I plan to switch to flowering at end of this week. Lights are:
1 125watt 6500k cfl
3 26watt 6500k cfl
1 42watt 2700k cfl

I have one small desk fan blowing on the plants to help thicken up the stems which seems has happened some since I added the fan.

Again the yellowing is only on the lower older leaves as all the new growth seems fine.

Also the first two pics I think that plant is weird. The top just looks different like theres three different tops coming off of it. I havent done anything to it.

The second two pics are of the other plant. Yeah I definitely fucked up that topping I believe. Owell u live and u learn.

Any help is appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
looks like nute burn to me. and get another ph test kit asap. always want to know what your putting into your girls


Well-Known Member
Really? I would have said lock out of some sort. FYI i have a real hard time picking the right pic in the infirmary section :(. I thought nute burn hit new growth as well. My plants had a mag issue but a bit different symptoms. Veins were green while middle was very light, it only affected bottom growth as well.


Well-Known Member
I'm leaning toward saying they'll be just fine as well. Once the roots discover the ocean forest, they'll grab what they're missing. Be selective about what nutes you add as OF has nutes in it. You can go your whole veg without needing to add anything to it.

Hope your grow goes well. Keep posting updates if you can.


Well-Known Member
@BxHaZe87 I havent added any nutes at all yet. Dont plan on it until after first week of flowering. Could the ffof have too strong of nutes for them being only 3 weeks old?

@waterdawg I also thought nute burn hit new growth thats y I was thinking possibly a magnesium def because thats the only def I read about where leaves yellow and get crispy.

@kmog33 I think ima just leave em alone for a week as u stated because its only on the initial leaves it started on and hasnt progressed anywhere else. I just wanted to get an idea of what it could be before it gets too bad.

Currently ive been watering every two days. I been leaving water sitting out for the two days between waterings so that the chlorine and anything else could evaporate before the watering. I dont get paid til friday and will buy a ph tester then.

Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated as I appreciate those who have already posted suggestions


Well-Known Member
yes ffof soil runs hot so the seedlings will/may take some nute burn put they will grow past it. start using some bloom nutes in flower though you want the weight to pack on


Well-Known Member
@mmjmon funny I was just writing a post sayin I wasnt adding nutes til after first week of flower.

Could anybody suggest decent nutes i should buy that go good with the ffof? Also how often and how much to use? Ive read soooo many mixed replies about nutes its confusing.


Well-Known Member
Those leaves are gonna yellow and fall off at some point. Your tops look healthy and thats what you should kind of look to see where the plants at. If it gets exponentially worse in the next couple weeks, i would repot as it could be a soil or root issue that could be easily solved with new soil.

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Well-Known Member
you will want tiger bloom for flower its very strong so you want to use 1 tsp per gallon starting every other feeding


Well-Known Member
Oo and I will continue to post pics if enough people want me to.

@BxHaZe87 I do plan on using bloom nutes just tryna figure out which to get and how often to use because of all the mixed opinions on nutes


Well-Known Member
It also could be the plants getting used to the soil theyre currently in. I always used happy frog/red ff soil when i was using soil, of always seemed to cause weird issues for me.

The nutes i like to use at this point are botanicares pure blend grow and bloom with sensi calmag.

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Well-Known Member
i use tiger bloom from fox farms. its not organic but i hear it does the job well. 1 tsp starting off every other feeding


Well-Known Member
I appreciate all the help guys. Im gonna look into tiger bloom since im already using fox farms soil.

I will update with pics if anything gets worse or every two days to show progress for those who wanna see the girls


Well-Known Member
"Leave them alone theyre fine, just let them grow out for a week or so before you worry about anything. "

Jee they dont look fine to me lol. I dont grow in soil so maybe I'm missing something! I know if my plants look like that I tend to worry lol.


Well-Known Member
Waterdawg I completely agree which is y I was asking.

Regarding the nutes tho for when I start flowering. So 1 tsp per 1 gallon of water. Do I water with that whole gallon or just until I see decent run off out the bottom? This will be myfirst time ever using nutes so dont wanna fry them on my first run.


Active Member
Agree with *Buds looks like a N def and/or pH issue. I think there is an easy fix based on what I see.

With regards to the N def. I believe that before you transplanted the plant it had used up all the nutes in its old home and it began to run low on food. Since you have transplanted it, there should be enough nutes to feed the plant in the FFOF as soon as the roots go on walk-a-bout. That is why the growth over the last few days looks good, the roots are expanding and finding the nutes.

I use FFOF and I will not feed any nutes for a couple weeks after transplanting, pH'd water only, which if it is a pH issue, giving it just water that is properly pH'd will fix the problem, if in fact it was a pH issue.

Hope that makes sense.

Good luck and keep us posted.