need help please


Active Member
hey guys well about 5 days ago i posted a thread saying that i gave me plants a overdose of nute's and left me with some bad nute burn.well my plant seemed to of bounced back and is recovering now.what i'd like to know is weather i can cut the nute burned leaf's off.i know they will enventually die and fall off by themself but by cutting them it will aid me in truely seeing if they are recovering. cheer's and feel free to tell me if this is stupid.

another question i would like to ask is after my plant recieved nute burn i transplanted it to new soil and i have 2 or 3 leaves that have started to yellow.if you's could help me out on that 1 too it would be much appreciated.cheers

Illegal Smile

But if just the tip of a leaf is burned don't cut the whole leaf off. If half a leaf is still green it is worth leaving on.


Well-Known Member
You seem intent on trimming them up, but do everything u can to save as much green as possible.


Well-Known Member
ya smile hit it on the head.. if the WHOLE leaf if yellow, spotted, or just gross and unhealthy looking .. u can remove it with zero repercussion :)


Well-Known Member
basiclly if the leaf has anything healthy on it just cut the sick part off and lv the green leaf.. if the whole things is pretty much dead .. u may remove it :)

hoped that helped? :)