need help plz lemon haze dying fan leafs 4t week 12/12 !!


Well-Known Member
i am really worried about my plants because i recently got my new ph pen and watered with 7.4 tapwater and the run off was like 4.5!! although the plants looked very healthy??? so ive panicked and flushed all 3 plants with ph 7.4 water and flushed and flushed and flushed untill the run off was 5.5 and would not go any higher??? so i left it at that and put the plants back under the light and i figured to my self it must of been the tomorite nutes i was putting in the 7.4 ph tapwater so i made a feed up and tested with ph pen and it was like 4.0 ph !!!!! so i thought it was a build up of the nutes in the soil??? thats my reason for flushing! anyway i have now let the plants get bone dry for like 4 to 5 days with no water and give them a feed with tomorite today. sorry but ive strayed from my problem!! well the day after i flushed them i noticed one or two fan leafs turning yellow with rusty patches and crackin leafs? well today when i went to water them with the nutes for the 1st time since flushing them the flippin yellowing leafs i mentioned about the day after the flushed them have died and when i touched them they just dropped off from the main stem so i then lightlt touched a two small leafs that looked very slightly yellow but healthy,ish just dropped off!!!!! im panicking now plz can some one explain to me whats happening is this the start of something bad? ph lockout? or did i just flush the nutes out of soil??? plz help anyone it will be very very much appreciated!!! big thanks in advance!!

makka :sad:


Well-Known Member
i also have pics and i am sat here waiting for replies and if you need pics i will upload instantly thankyou in advance


Well-Known Member
cmon guys 7 views no reply i need help here peeps plz it is a plant problem forum aint it


You have flushed plenty. Use a balanced nutrient solution at 5.8ph hydro/ 6.2 soil and give light to moderate feeding ONLY after the plants have slightly dry (24-48) after theyve been flushed. This universal for me anytime i get salt related problems in hydro. Dont be doctor. ... With mind*ucking solutions. Start over and give them 48-72 hrs to see recovery. Pick off all 50% damage leaf and i like to foliar feed a humtee when i get problems. Just basics.


(24-48) between waters until they demand more. I always wait for my blocks are fairly light in weight to water and then time it out from there. Dont know what ur medium is. Remember that i struggle also and i only answered cause nobody was..


Well-Known Member

this was the day right before the flush and these leafs have since died off and dropped off theirs lots more pics on my journal here with a video if that will help? thanks.

oh and my journal is
  • [h=2]400 hps attic grow 3 lemon haze first grow :)[/h]

dont know how to link it sorry



Well-Known Member
yes thanks mikmax pal just what works for u i get it cheers mate its much appreciated would like to hear ya views


Active Member
do you have a fan set up? I would guess you had poor drainage or, not enough air circulation and low humidity if your leaves are drying out. but the plant looked healthy overall


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;fSRbNAv5tJI][/video] plz let me know will be right here thanks


checked the vid aswell...plants look fine...dont worry to much...if the fresh leaves turn yellow and crumbly the u should worry...


the ones at the bottom always yellow and fall of in middle, late flowering as long as they look green and healthy there is no reason for worrying

what u mean by daft?


Well-Known Member
so they are late flowering then?? thanks for da help whats ya rough guess on time left pal?


I just seen your pics, dont trip, they look fine. You said wk 4 flower? Your fine, time to bulk up though and then youll see even more leaf drop. Sugarup. Have fun dont trip.


no offense but maybe u should read some grow journals and check some pics :) what strain and hpw many weeks have gone since u sexed them? green house?