NEED HELP real granddaddy purp pics


Well-Known Member
I Doubt You Grow Better Then Me Retard.
whatever man, I'm not even going to get into it. You obviously have some major ego issues, possibly you're really small and scrawny in real life and like to talk big on the internet. Or maybe you're just some 13 year old kid that thinks he has to prove something to everyone on the internet because no one he knows in real life accepts him as he is. Either way, you should find your way out of the forums as fast as you found your way in, I don't see you lasting long here.


Active Member
Who The Fuck R U Some 52 Yr Old Pedifiler Dont Act High Mighty
Bitch And Mind Your Own Business Who The Fuck Said I Was Talking To You Anyways Get A Life And Not A Fake Ass Cyber Life You Fucking Loser.


Well-Known Member
Children, children....everybody just relax. This is the internet after all, so we'll just say both of you are grow masters and know a lot. Back to the subject on hand, is the drooping fixed? If not, have you transplanted to bigger pots at all?


Active Member
yeah ive transplanted them into the ground, they are growing fine i just need to check up on them. its kinda like a 2 week thing tho when i go and check up on them bec there 2 hrs away


Well-Known Member
looks like someones been smoking the REAL granddaddy purp too much , it can have side effects like being an asshole WTG THCKING ON YOUR VULGAR VOCAB! btw you gotta have a penis and some balls to get them licked , work on it.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
hi all i just checked on my girls and they dont look happy, there a lil droopy and there not as green as there sosposed 2 be (there a lime color) when the lights are on there usually all reaching at the lights, there about 12 inches max,any info will help, this is real deal granddaddy purp not no club bullshit look close all the stems are drak purple all the way 2 the rw and all the veins in the leafs are dark purple 2 oh yea there only 2.5 weeks old, im keeping my mothers 4 ever ive never had a strain like this before, ill post more pics when there done, there nuts solid purple covered in frost, THANKS ALL
Couple of things going on with those plants--As FDD said, you need to give them a balanced nute program-by the looks of things in the pics you need some micro's as well if the nutes don't have them in there profile--I would also add some H2O2 to your res to make sure you have plenty of O2 at the roots--Since your plants are under stress make sure to add B1 if your nutes don't have it.---------If you are using RO-you will need to add cal/mag if not in your nutes..------Like a lot of the posts said-make sure your ph is 5.8/good airflow/as close to 78deg/as close to 40% humidity/res water temp in check. Good Luck...
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Well-Known Member
me too overwatering they look like your fingers when you get out the bathtub..saggy like. plus they look a little streched but still a sweet plant