Need help regarding coco coir


Well-Known Member
So my first question is, can I switch the nutrients I use in my coco grow without having issues ? Also.. is there any cheap ways to provide nutrients to my plants ? I started using general hydroponic nutrients but I wasn’t aware at first at how much I really had to use every feeding... and at this rate it would be way to expensive for me to take my 6 plants all thru flower (they’re about veg week 4 old).. so yea any cheaper or “natural” ways to provide nutrients for my plants and when/if I do find another mean of nutrients can I switch over with no issues ?


Well-Known Member
So my first question is, can I switch the nutrients I use in my coco grow without having issues ? Also.. is there any cheap ways to provide nutrients to my plants ? I started using general hydroponic nutrients but I wasn’t aware at first at how much I really had to use every feeding... and at this rate it would be way to expensive for me to take my 6 plants all thru flower (they’re about veg week 4 old).. so yea any cheaper or “natural” ways to provide nutrients for my plants and when/if I do find another mean of nutrients can I switch over with no issues ?
You can use charge to give some nutes. Are you doing drain to waste?

Currently I just buy the biggest bottles 10ltres of a and b nutes from atami bcuzz.... they last me about 4 grows. Its not actually that expensive


Well-Known Member
Liquid nutes are a waste of money.
Dry nutes are much more economical.
I grow in coco and use GH MaxiBloom from start to finish........costs about $20.
How much maxi do you use? Looking to switch to a one part and veg bloom is expensive


Well-Known Member
Dry nutes are definitely more economical compared to liquid.
Jacks 3-2-1 is a simple, effective, 3-part dry mix that costs pennies/gallon to make.


Well-Known Member
How much maxi do you use? Looking to switch to a one part and veg bloom is expensive
The KISS method calls for 7 grams (1tsp) per gallon of tap water.........that's considered full strength.
My last grow I only had to use 1/3 tsp the whole grow and I yielded 19.4oz. off of 3 plants with only a 23 day veg.
So you only use The maxibloom and nothing else ? The whole time
Yes.....MaxiBloom from start to grow and except for silica, no additives.
I have a thread in the coco section if you're interested.
MaxiBloom has plenty of nitrogen for vegetative growth.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Idk what the npk of canna A+B is but if I could make the same up for considerably less than £70\80 I would.
I'm going to look into dry powder?