need help save my plant...cant figure it out what happened!

here we the full story...after 21 days...autoflowering plant..big 8 gallon pot(i think its 8,anyways a big pot) grow tent 600W HID(dimmable)

so yeah after seedling i put plant under 400W...then on day 15 they go under 600W..around same time i start giving little small amount of neutral soil with no nutriments and use tap water..wich i boil and let in a bucket for a day before using it!

2 days after this the plant give a sign on the the picture here:
the problem only affect the first set of single leaf..

then another 2 days after:
the problem is go on the next set of leaf!

this set of leaf become like that after 1 days i think:

so after coming here for info i deceide to flush water for that plant...take off those 2 badly damaged leaf and let it dry...

but now today i check it out and ...damn it...that thing keep going up on leaf so now i got another set of leaf affected?? what can i do !

see this morning pictures:

should i take-off leafs again!?! can i save the plant ?! Thank in advance
to much water ? too much light ? (i can dimm the ballast back to 400W maybe?) nute....when i give to them ? did i give too much ..i tough with neutral soil u start after 2 week...maybe my mistake...maybe they need more(probably not but i really noob with plant!) top of plant are round at 26-28C maybe temperature not good ?
What nutes are you giving? Do you add calcium magnesium since you use hard water?

i use canna vega organic,mod=0&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=2R2gUIL8CO6y0AGE54GgAg&biw=960&bih=549&sei=2x2gULJ76OTRAYLqgYAH

and didnt put anything else..they give me cannazym at my growshop gift..the guys said its pretty good for soil and root so i didnt start it yet...with this problem not willing use product...

didnt use calcium or magnesium at all ! should I ?


New Member
It looks like it's nute burnt first off, also after boiling your water it seems like a good idea to aerate it somehow.
It looks like it's nute burnt first off, also after boiling your water it seems like a good idea to aerate it somehow.
after boil the water i put it in a 23 liter bucket and i wait 24-48 hour before use it! any other way to aerate it u can propose me ?


Active Member
Yeah I would. The hard water can lock those nutes out and it kinda looks like it could be it.

i use canna vega organic,mod=0&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=2R2gUIL8CO6y0AGE54GgAg&biw=960&bih=549&sei=2x2gULJ76OTRAYLqgYAH

and didnt put anything else..they give me cannazym at my growshop gift..the guys said its pretty good for soil and root so i didnt start it yet...with this problem not willing use product...

didnt use calcium or magnesium at all ! should I ?


Well-Known Member
those leaves are suppose to fall off :-| if it were any higher up the plant i would say your ph is all fucked up and a lockout is occurring,even tho your ph is off it's not the reason those leaves are dying.
so verdict? calcium/magnesium defiency?????

by the way i put the light back to 400W instead of 600W and they seem to apreciate that a lot...leaf are not better at all but plant go high at least!

so what i should do ! go to grow shop and buy a cal/mag nute?


Active Member
BAck to basics. Lift the light as high as you can get it and leave it there. If the pots are wet, leave them for 4-6 days and don't water. Turn any oscilating fans off and keep your temps good. Sit back, don't touch and you should be good.


Well-Known Member
Some of those leaves look awful, but as long as there's healthy ones at top, the plants have a decent chance of bouncing back. As for the burns, I would round up all your fertilizer bottles and re-read the instructions. Make sure you are not using tablespoons that should be teaspoons. After I've been using several products simultaneously, the numbers can get mixed up in my head. Half the time I don't remember to re-read them until after I've damaged or killed something.:-(


Active Member
Since you already flushed and if the problem is still going I vote get the nutes. Remember! The hurt part of leaves will never recover. How you can tell the problem is fixed is by no new leaves getting the problem. Do not remove hurt leaves. Not only do they still work but they are a good way to see if the problem is fixed. If it is not fixed the leaves will get worse. If you remove hurt leaves then the deficiency will find new leaves to trash until fixed. J wanna pull my hair out when people take leaves off plants.I only remove like 10-15 leaves for my entire plant cycle start to finish. And those are tiny ones on bottom that are 100% dead and ready to fall themselves. Don't rip your scabs off. :)
thank for all yeah here last update...still goind up and now affect some other leaf and its goind slowly to the top...seem to be slower but stilll...

so my grow shop hve CalMax(calcium/magn) in stock...liquid nutes... should i get this or still wait ! i dont want to spend 20$ if its not the best idea! cause its been 4-5 days i didnt water them or anything so i go for water now ! yeah i re-read the nutes instructions...for the first shot i give them the half of a normal dose.....maybe they were too smal for nutes...bottle said start at week 2 ...i start day 16 ! so dont know! but i now know that autoflowering dont seem to like vege-nute...
let them dry and re-asses.... what u mean by re-asses?!?!
Im pretty sure he means; if things are not looking better once the pot gets dryish, then consider other possibilities, until then, do not mess around with anything else.
If it is in an 8 gallon pot, and that young, you could go weeks without watering it

those leaves are suppose to fall off :-| if it were any higher up the plant i would say your ph is all fucked up and a lockout is occurring,even tho your ph is off it's not the reason those leaves are dying.
Not that soon