Need help seedlings


Active Member
Seedlings have been doing great have first set of leaves. Woke up this morning and wilted and purple stem and purple under leaves, I think they might have got cold and had a phosphorus lockout, would this cause wilt? Also the two small stem leaves are curled up like rams horn and brittle is this also because of cold, if so then how can I improve the plant just keep it warm? Thanks ph is steady 5.7


Active Member
stress can easy kill a plant that is of a young age.. night time temps @ 60F plus.. i run my lights at night to keep there temp up in the winter time..but u gotta have a sealed room. you dont want light pouring out of a window at 3am for a nosey neighbor to see. if they dont pull out of the wilted funky purp thing ina week or so trash em. live and learn.


Active Member
Yea didn't think it got too cold last night but I'll give em a chance to get over it think I should flush or just wait


Active Member
Both my seedlings had purple stems and purple under the leaf. The first seedling is 2 weeks older and literally busted through the purple, looks like it shed off, and the other one is purple and going. Don't be quick to make hasty judgment. Your plants are most likely fine. The purple a lot of the time is just pure genetics. I my self was freaked out "seriously freaked out' with the purple stems thinking the same thing you were. Thought i had lock out and my plants were effed! Now you should see how big one of my plants got in 1 week.

Don't fret let them ride out. Try not to worry about it and don't flush them it will be unnecessary . If i can I'll post a picture of what i meant by "shedding" the purple off.


Active Member
My seedlings are 1 week also and showing very strong growth, purple stems and all. I wouldnt sweat the purple, make sure they remain moist always though, they can dry up overnight.