Need Help Temps To High


Well-Known Member
One more you have central AC? Does the door to the main room that the plants are in stay open?


Active Member
a mini fridge!!!!!!!!!!! you can get one at a pawn shop for 30 bucks. take out all the cooling equipment on the back, its real easy just a couple of screws. then take the metal tube that blows out the cold air stick it in your area and plug it in. instant a/c. thats what we use in our grow box and it keeps the temp at a perfect 76 degrees F all the time. no real temp fluctuations at all.


Well-Known Member
thats a good idea. im using an air cooler /humidifier but its crap at giving humidity. i got this coz bowls of water just isn't workin.....


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody,air cooled shades are the way to go,you can put a block of dryice in there it will help bring down the temps and give off co2 to boot.You need incoming air thats cooler than whats in the room and exhaust the hot air from the grow tent.A picse of glass 12" above the plants with a fan blowing across the tops of the plants.Above the glass a fan blowing at the light and exhaust fan pulling the hot air out the top of your tent.3 fans and a block of dryice you should have cooler temps. PEACE


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, in a perfect world you'd be okay, but it is summer. So it's back to basics. In order to maintain reasonable temps in your space, you need to be exhausting atleast about 500cfm. I have a 400 too and am exhausting 600cfm and my temps still some days get hot.

Where are you exhausting the hot air to? Where are you taking the new, incoming air from? Is your light vented? If so, you could place a 4"inline fan on your light to aid in exhausting heat away from the source.
Home Depot sells 8" 500cfm inline fans for about $30 bucks.

You may be allright to grow in the winter, but to grow in the summer, you need to re-work your ventilation system. I hope this helps you dude.

Hey peeps, this is my second grow. with a new 400w duel light. probs im having is maintaining good temps wen i shut the door as it gets dark at night. its getting over 100degrees in there and i don't want it to ruin my crop.ive got an intake and an extraction at the top.its a squirrel cage fan so powerfull enough to do the job, i've got a bathroom fan at the bottom suckin new air in. i don't know how to overcome this problem without spendin loads of money on an air cooler. also where the temp is so high the humidity is like 20% and my plants are only young so it needs to be alot higher. if i raise the humidity with a humidifier will the temp drop? i hoping my hydrometer isn't fcuked. it was only a cheepy one.

Please help me on the matter.its my second grow and wanna get it right after buying a new light to get better results..


Well-Known Member
Right time for somw added pics. Earlier i made a few changes to my set which will hopefully help me out! Im gonna be comparing the skunk strain vs bagseed. at the mo i've got a plant at about 1 & a half months old (bagseed). This is wat i've put under my 400w light! all my seeds that i germinated this second time around i have them under my 200wcfl in a diffewrent space. I started these off in flexmex cubes and transpalnted to soil in small pots once roots showed! Here are the latest pics. All the seedlings are 10 days old and doing well i think.



Well-Known Member
Also here are pictures of the fan i got given. can anyone see how much air this shifts by the pic and also whats the best way to use this in my set-up, this was the one i had problems with but only just thought that the place i had my made up kinda tent the vent hole for this squirrel cage fan was right next to a wall so the air being pushed out wasn't doing much. also i had this screwed up at high level in my space, i ran NO ducting from this fan.



Well-Known Member
They have a web site here, I couldnt find your fan, but they look like a quality company. You may want to look yourself.


Well-Known Member
found it i think! 300 odd m3per hour. i think???????? is that good and how can i use it togood effect, remembering its noisy! and has no ducting!!!