NEED HELP TOPPING SHOULD I?? im not new but still learning (as ALWAYS will be)


Well-Known Member
:weed:okay guys first off I have a "mother plant" which just confirmed female and moved to 12/12 now she is getting large, I was planning on cloning but since I have a new more powerful young female I believe I will wait and clone her, therefore should I let my large plant grow? if I top it will she get bushier? and do I simply just snip the top to prevent from growing up correct..any advice Will be greatly appreciated!!!! thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!



New Member
Yes, you need to top her periodically. For more info on a great topping technique, look for Uncle Ben's Topping thread.

vvvvvvvv True that xGrimace Top Mother plants in veg that is. vvvvvvvvvvvvv


Well-Known Member
Great info on there but his photos are not showing up, i sure would like a photo, but man if i could 2x my cola thatd be wonderful, is it to late? Or is it nver to late, i just dont want to mess up, stress her (tuen her hermie! Or anything) :)


Well-Known Member
She just showed sex, and i just switched from 18/6 to 12/12 2 days ago...however if I am to late on topping does that mean I am to late on cloning as well? just wondering because I should wait or I can practice will a couple cuttlings off this plant.. also the small plant next to It I just got done transplanting, I just got my 6 plant hydo kit, just wondering if I should wait or I can practice will a couple cuttlings off this plant..

perdrick l. hapley

Active Member
ok so first off, those plants look like they need a lot more light. are you flowering now?

if you're still in veg clone away man. you might want to let your girl recover for at least a week or so before sending her into flower after taking cuttings.

if you've already flipped to 12/12 i guess you can clone.....but you'd have to reveg so it's not really advisable unless you really really really want to keep the strain around/deal with the wait. it might stress her, and i've even heard of that delaying flowering time quite a bit.

edit: didn't see you already flipped, i'd just add a bunch of light and let her finish. clone your vegging girls


Well-Known Member
so.... top during veg..... clone during veg

thats it guys ???
You are going to get a ton of different answers. Everyone does it their own way. YOU need to ease up a bit and just experiment. I have cloned plants that were 4-5 wks into flowering. Now alot of people will say that u cant, but because I experimented, I know for sure that u can! I have a girl now, 3 wks into flowering, a wk ago, she got burned a bit on the top cola, so I cut a bit of it off. Now the top cola has gotten much larger and fatter since!

IMO, i would take cuttings from her still & if u want to top her, go right ahead. It might, it might not slow growth down for a day or so. U wont know untill u try it.

(also, when i do things like this, I keep a journal so that I can go back and chk on things later to see if it was or wasnt successful)


Well-Known Member
So i cannot clone any of these shoots, i mean she just showed sex, im talking withing 2 days and i just got my hydro kit, please let me know guys do you need more photos? This will be my first cloning but i dont want to mess up my plant i have going but i want to max. My yeild