Need help Watering in Soil


Watering in Soil

Question from rookie

'living soil' mixed in 1/3 bottom of 15L/3.9 gal 'air-pots'
middle 1/3, happyfrog
top 1/3 warrior 'lite' mix
note: I placed about 1 inch of clay-balls in bottom of air-pot before adding soil

when i prepared the pots, I moisten the bottom 2/3 - and left the top1/3 -l(ite-mix) dry except around the seed of-coarse

I started off lightly watering around seed/seedling until around 14 days old, and have now increased to about 300ml every few days

my question is,
Now that they seem like established little plants (auto-flowers)

Can I water until some run-off comes out of the bottom? flood the b**** or just continue watering smaller amounts every few days and increasing each time?

The soil is some-what moist on the bottom but the upper half gets dry pretty quick only watering 300ml every few days

1st photo 4assedmonkey 15day old
2nd photo notherncheesehaze 21day old
2nd photo has a droopy top leaf claw - maybe too-much N from bottom 1/3


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Watering in Soil

Question from rookie

'living soil' mixed in 1/3 bottom of 15L/3.9 gal 'air-pots'
middle 1/3, happyfrog
top 1/3 warrior 'lite' mix
note: I placed about 1 inch of clay-balls in bottom of air-pot before adding soil

when i prepared the pots, I moisten the bottom 2/3 - and left the top1/3 -l(ite-mix) dry except around the seed of-coarse

I started off lightly watering around seed/seedling until around 14 days old, and have now increased to about 300ml every few days

my question is,
Now that they seem like established little plants (auto-flowers)

Can I water until some run-off comes out of the bottom? flood the b**** or just continue watering smaller amounts every few days and increasing each time?

The soil is some-what moist on the bottom but the upper half gets dry pretty quick only watering 300ml every few days

1st photo 4assedmonkey 15day old
2nd photo notherncheesehaze 21day old
I run a different soil mix. But my teq is to slowly water the pot until I get run off. Then let the plant absorb run off for about a half hour through wicking. This saturates the entire medium. I then drain this off and lift the pot a few times to familiarize with its weight. Then I lift my pot everyday until it feels light to me. Then I very slowly add water until I get just a touch of run off. This gives you an idea of the amount of water and when. It will change over time. But you should have a feel for it after a few days of lifting and a couple waterings. All plants and environments vary. There is no one formula.
Both of those plants look overwatered now. Drooping leaves. You also need to remove some dirt. Get those leaves out of it. Asking for problems like rot and pests if you were outside. Good luck. Just ask and someone will be able to help you.
Wait for the whole pot to get relatively dry, not just the top. That's the key to watering cannabis.

relatively dry is hard to explain on the interweb right...
them being in air pots I can easily stick in a wooden toothpick at any height of the pot
I usually just leave one stickin in there & pull it out so often and check moisture on pick,
towards the bottom half of the pot,
they have yet to be totally dry... should they?


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Never totally dry. Someone above mentioned picking up the pots. That's how I judge as well. Maybe 70% of the weight will disappear before I saturate my soil again. If your pots haven't dropped 70% of their weight after a week, I'd say your pots are too big. That cycle between wet/dry is important to allow the roots to breathe.