Need Help week 5 veg Yellowing leafs PICS


Hello everyone!:bigjoint: I'm new to these fourms so correct me if there are problems with my post. I'm looking for a little advice on how I should continue caring for my plant. I suppose I give you the info on it so far.

I started from a single bagseed that came from some really good bud. I don't know if it makes any difference but I found two seeds in a 1/2oz. I germinated it for three days in a dark place, moist paper towel in a bowl with a lid. On October 20th I put the seed into soil. The soil is Miracle Grow Moisture Control its nute values are .21.07.14 and says it's to feed for up to three months (Which is why I grabbed it, stupidly) It contains little hard coated liquid filled balls about the size of a plastic airsoft bb which I'm guessing are the "time release" nutrients. I've read that this soil isn't the best and many people have problems with nute burn in the first two weeks that kills their seedlings but I've also seen threads where people have grown nice buds with the stuff. The plant has been on 24hours of two 2500k 28w daylight CFL bulbs since in soil. Its also getting good ventilation all day although I don't have any fans directly on it just one sucking air out the top of its 1.5'x1.5'x4' box. I've been watering it usually around two to three cups of arrowhead purified water at 1am every other day unless the soil feels moist an inch down in which case I've skipped that day. Temp has been around 85-88 in the day and around 75 at night. It's in its fifth week today and I'm starting to notice yellowing edges on the bottom leafs again. It's first jagged leafs also turned yellow a week or so back and when about 50% were yellow I clipped them. Is this yellowing of the lower leafs normal? if not what could be the problem?bongsmilie Umm also I've been playing them 3-4 hours of classical music almost daily with ipod headphones if that helps :lol: Here are some pictures of "her" (knock on wood) progress attached if I got it right.
A few questions I have are since there are nutrients in the soil would it hurt to add any? I picked up some molasses for plants from my local hydroponics store. It says it has 3% soluble potash (K2O) on the back label. I am gonna try to ween it onto this. I don't have a ph meter or ppm. I just had some marine ph test tabs I used to tell that our tap water was way to high to use.
Lastly I was wondering if I were to switch to a 12/12 light period to sex the plant at it's current height would I be able to continue back to the 24hour of light after discovering its sex? Or would the bag on the lower branch method work better for me? also I've read that most plants double or even triple their size in growth in the flowering stage is this true? any ideas? thanks



hey any help would be appreciated any ideas on the strain? the yellowness doesn't seem to be spreading to much now :mrgreen: hear are a few more pics it looks like its got a bunch of branches poking up though



Well-Known Member
it looks fine man, just using up its energy sources.. leaves are supposed to die off, when ready just pull it. As the plant flowers it will slowly begin to die off in the end.


Well-Known Member
overall plant looks healthy. Sometimes you just lost a bottom leaf or two. Keep it up. Yellow tip might be slight nute burn.


If you continue to see such yellows you might need more N. Just a suggestion if it continues to be a problem.


Well-Known Member
looks good man, actually looks like one of my ice plants. Looks like slight nute burn. definetly not gonna show sex yet still looks immature. Give it a week or two after you put it into flowering, 12/12 light cycle, funny about the music . My girls are all started on the 1 of November and are a foot already


Well-Known Member
no more nitrogen dude it looks like nute burn! dont do it! MG time release is known to burn young plants


no more nitrogen dude it looks like nute burn! dont do it! MG time release is known to burn young plants
yeah I'm gonna keep feeding it just molasses with its ro water for the time being and maybe add some blooming stuff further down the road. a C02 maker I think would be helpful I believe because the temperature sometimes get in the high 80s.

jn811 I read on one of your post that the branches should start to alternate mine are all across from each other will they start to alternate later or is that in just some strains? I think mine looks like some kinda indica


Well-Known Member
ya it does look like an indica, it actually looks just like my smallest ice plant which has kinda odd shaped leaves. Yours is almost a blue color though, very cool looking.

Just keep in mind this is my first grow so I'm not a pro, but my leaves were straight across from each other, like you said in the begining... Within the past week - week and a half, branches have sprouted out from plants, which are 1 foot tall they probably have a good 15-20 branches each at only 3 weeks old. I think the diffrence really is the light i have though, you cant expect the same growth rate with cfls then you can with a hps. I would say just be patient... it will start to branch out, maybe add some more lights if you want quicker growth.


Well-Known Member
ya its from a seed. shes a beauty, has way over 50 leaves already, shes like a small bush, stems like the size of my thumb almost. Ya id definetly suggest more light, what do you have now for lighting?


been on 24 hours of two 2500k 28w =100w daylight cfl got at wally world I'm thinking just throwing a couple more warmer cfls would do the trick also the temp stays pretty high so does anyone know if those DIY yeast sugar water in a bottle will help it grow faster?


Well-Known Member
dont worry about the carbon dioxide, I think you should get as many lights as possible if you really want it to grow faster and stronger. I'd honestly suggest that you should get 2-3 more 42 watt cfls minimum if you can afford it. Honestly, light is either the biggest or one of the biggest factors in a plants growth.