Need help! What is this?


Well-Known Member
Like the title says, I can't figure out what this deficiency is. Or if the soil is just too hot for this plant. It's a chocolope plant in all organic soil. Super soil mix in about 30-40% of the container. 5 gallon air pot, and the base medium Is happy frog smart naturals. Ph going in is at 6.5 also

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Well-Known Member
What is your watering schedule? What is your ph out? Could be hot nutes, but super soil shouldn't do that to a well established plant like that. Could be dry. How moist is your soil? How close to the lights is the top of your canopy? How much light?


Well-Known Member
I wait until the soil is almost dry to water it again. I stick my finger in the soil to see how dry it is. Usually every 2 days before the fabric pot is getting close to being dry. I got the lights about 12 inches from the plant. I don't let me soil dry out completely between waterings, and my humidity in the tent is at 50%. Temps are a steady 70-75. I'm running a 400w hps light in a 6" cooltube. The runoff ph was at 5.7.. As I just now ran some water through it and checked. I read that ph isn't important in organics, but do you think that's causing my problem? I always made sure to water with 6.5.


Well-Known Member
I think I just answered my own question here with the help of warble. (Thank you). I just watered it until the runoff was 6.4. I'll update to tell how the plant is doing. I believe I had my ph off and I should have checked it sooner to gauge where it was at. I should be past these problems since I am moving onto my 3rd grow but I am learning slowly. Thank you warble!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Yes I let my water sit out for longer than 24 hours before using it. I believe my problem was just low ph as I was thinking ph was not important in organics. So I never checked the runoff, until warble said something. Sure enough it was 5.7


Well-Known Member
Plant responded extremely well. Most of the side branches are reaching to the top now. And the leaves are feeling a ton better today after the flush with 6.5 ph water. I'll continue to keep an eye out on the ph. Here's a before and after from yesterday to today. Always check your runoff ph ladies and gents! image.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
I believe that there is a problem recently with the Peat based mixes lately. I did a slurry test on my mix ( 30% FF OF, 30% Pro-mix Ultimate Organic, 30% Pro-mix all Purpose, 10% extra Perlite, and a 1/2 cup of lime per CF) and it came out at a PH of 4.9.


Well-Known Member
Be careful when you use fish emulsion. This stuff can drop your ph to deadly levels if left unchecked haha. A few tsp sends the ph down real quick. I believe that was the problem.