NEED HELP! When to start veg light cycle

i was curious when i should start my light cycle for my veg stage i have two plants growing in my closet i started to germ them on 01/21/13 and then the 24 that morning had the two first leaves is that when i wait two weeks to start the cycle or do i start the two week wait as soon as i planted them from germ stage which was the 23 ive read you wait two weeks before you start to turn off your lights for certains hours so far they have been on my little sprouts 24hrs aday since planted im not new to growing i am new to growing indoors though so all the help i can get pls and thanks oh and would would a 18/6 be a good light cycle when i do start my vegging???


Well-Known Member
Yes. I noticed I get much better results in veg with 24/0 over 18/6.

I still do 18/6 but simply because I am not in a rush and it saves power.


24 hours per day from germination til you want to start the flowering stage. At least that`s what the majority of expert growers state.