Need Help! Why are the edges of my leaves curling

New Member.
Mango Haze. 5 plants, One CFL 42W=200W
Day 14
First Grow, Any advice is greatly appreciated I know the basics of growing a plant but not the complicated aspects of growing cannabis.


Well-Known Member
I know the basics of growing a plant but not the complicated aspects of growing cannabis.
It looks like it's a little hot.

And there is nothing complicated about growing MJ, although many people want to make it so. It's just another plant.
Just did so hopefully it will make somewhat of a difference, thanks for the tip. Will my leaves go back to normal or stay curled? And when should I begin giving my plants nutrients?


I have had a very similar looking problem and honestly i believe you may be too close to the light at the moment, although your room temps may be low they can rise quite a bit close to the CFL and this looks like the plants natural way to cool itself off and trap more moisture.

If it were anything but a heat problem i would probably suggest a little cal-mag as a slight mag def might be the only other thing.

I moved mine outside for a bit untill i could sort out my temps a bit better and all the new growth is looking extremely healthy.

Just try and keep your fan running on the light or between the light and plant and not directly on the leaves.

Good luck buddy :)