need help with 3 plants


Active Member
First timer and looking for an opinion on my 3 plants / DAY 8 of 12/12
I think 2 males maybe 1 female any opinions?
Im feeling so dissapointed. so much work and effort for little or nothing.



Well-Known Member
There looking healthy.
It's the way the cookie crumbles, so to say.
Just wait until you have some Bud to smoke and you won't feel so disappointed. ;)


Well-Known Member
1 and 2 are definate males, thats for sure.

Plant 3 is undecided yet, personally i think its male, but keep it going for a bit and see. The little gland on 3 looks to be more oval than tear shaped to me so I think it could be male also. I hope i am wrong though.


Active Member
yup so do i just cut them down and save the clippings or toss them.
never tried the hash thing but might as well use them for something.
can i even get hash out of 2 male plants?
thanks for every ones advice now and in the future


Well-Known Member
do you reckon you could get a better picture of 3

you see that little growth on the right of the stem, so we can see that better.


Well-Known Member
Keep this plant going for a bit longer, I still think male but kindprincess says fem still, I can see a wager coming on.


Well-Known Member
My personal preference is to kill the males at first glance, its not going to have much if any thc on it at this point, best to pull em and slice. If the third does turn out female its time to clone clone clone.


Well-Known Member
toss the males. at this point in the game, they are worthless.

i remember seeing something in a book once...

once a male has polenated the females, their usefulness expires. this proves that mother nature, if nothing else, is at least consistent...


Active Member
love ths site. you guys and kp are the balls, allthough thats not what I wanted to see on my plants. ill keep you updated on my 1 and only standing plant. now i have to become an expert on cloning, great an other thing to learn.


Well-Known Member
toss the males. at this point in the game, they are worthless.

i remember seeing something in a book once...

once a male has polenated the females, their usefulness expires. this proves that mother nature, if nothing else, is at least consistent...
oOOO sexism, if i were a mod you'd have an infraction now for the personal assault ;-)