Need Help with a design!!!


Active Member
Okay so I have 6' x 4' x 8' grow space and I'm planning on constructing a grow tent made of PVC piping. So the space is against a corner lined with white walls so all I need to do is make a half box going up to the ceiling.

What I'm doing:
1) 400 W non-aircooled HPS with rectangular hood (gunna make a DIY cooltube)
2) 6 plants in 5 gal pots

What I am limited to:
1) I can only vent via my room/entire house
2) No A/C
3) Outside temps get around 75 F in summer when I plan to grow

I have a few questions:
1) What material should I use to cover the walls of the PVC frame? I was thinking polymylar (black outside/white inside).

2) How would I seal off the light at the top of the half box WHILE still being able to vent it at night?

3) IF I can't do that, what can I do to be able to make the top lightproof for the night and be easy to take down during the day?

THIS IS ONLY FOR ONE HARVEST so all temporary methods welcome :D



Well-Known Member

1) Polymylar is a good material for lining the inside of a grow area, you can't go wrong with that.

If you could clarify questions 2 and 3 I will try to help- but i can't get the picture of what you're trying to say


Active Member
I'm trying to ask how would I ventilate it at night with it being light sealed? I can only vent it via my bedroom+house.

1) Polymylar is a good material for lining the inside of a grow area, you can't go wrong with that.

If you could clarify questions 2 and 3 I will try to help- but i can't get the picture of what you're trying to say


Active Member
Actually I just thought of something.

Can't I just get a long ducting tube and wrap it around a few times and at the end of the tubing, I will have a screen to reduce light and the area shaded as much as possible. Will any light get through to the grow room with the wrapped up tube end exposed to a bit of bedroom lighting?


Well-Known Member
all ya really gotta do is have a 90 degree bend at some point in the tubing, that will keep out the majority of the light. and if you really wanna be sure you could stretch a panty hose like material over one end- that will really block out any light and also catch some dust.

--Hope this Helps
- Rezz


Well-Known Member
If it is able to be hung? (Either attached to the ceiling via screws and small cord/rope/chain or possible a crossbar in your PVC skeleton) That would sounds like the easiest thing to do to me, also if you decide to hang it- you can incorporate two rubber loops into the hanging system to prevent the vibrations that the fan creates from vibrating whatever it is hanging from, so it will dampen the noise that the fan generates.


Active Member
If it is able to be hung? (Either attached to the ceiling via screws and small cord/rope/chain or possible a crossbar in your PVC skeleton) That would sounds like the easiest thing to do to me, also if you decide to hang it- you can incorporate two rubber loops into the hanging system to prevent the vibrations that the fan creates from vibrating whatever it is hanging from, so it will dampen the noise that the fan generates.
Won't the air pushed by the fan going to create too much of a vibration? to a point where it wouldn't be stable at all?

Actually, 4 bungee cords tightened to the frame of tent on 4 equidistant positions so the fan would sit in the place i want it. I think that's it =O


Well-Known Member
if its going to be attached to a venting hose, it might move a bit, but it will be pretty stable. The bungee cord idea is a good idea too, give it a try