Need help with a first timer question


I am very new to growing and recieved a couple different plants from another grower. These are too different strains, one is shorter and busy and one is taller and mostly bushy only at the top, but has long branches down the stem but not many bigger leaves and other branches growing. I got these plants about two months into 24 hour light, and someone told me I should start to flower now or its not good for them. So I put them under 12/12 1000w halide light for a week now, I think they could veg for longer and grow some more branches and get bigger, but after a week of 12/12 can I switch back to 18/6 or 24 and the plants still be ok or am I too late?

I am also LSTing for more light to lower branches.


Well-Known Member
NEVER go from phase to phase, its called STRESS! N E V E R !!! If they are in flower, leave em in 12/12, dont do shit!


Well-Known Member
Leave them alone. 8 weeks is plenty of time to veg. Sounds like you have a short indica and larger
sativa plant. If you have been flowering at 12/12 for a week you have a ways to go yet. They should
be showing sex soon so watch for that. 9 times out of 10 the indica needs less flower time that the sativa
so be aware of that. Good luck!


ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
you can easily turn them back to veg state , they only been in flower for a week you say , so no problems should happen , but like the guys above said fucking around with there cycle isnt good for the plants but you should be ok its upto to you really , there is slight risk of the plant going hermy but i doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Leave them flowering as you only have 4 feet of light to play with. There is no reason you can't switch them back to veg. just don't expect to do it for a week or two and set them back in flower as the end result will be shit. Some good answer above.


Hey thanks everyone for some input! I just wasnt sure, I figured it was time enough, that the plants are just different strains and therefore have different attributes like size and such. I think I will keep these on their cycle, I have them LSTing ( Slightly) and showing fantastic results after two days! I also have others in veg right now so will be learning! :)
I have looked how to find sex, and what research ive done im dam bout sure 100% female, they have the "hair" in the nodes looking healthy.
I believe that is female...?
Thanks again fellas!