Need help with Baby PLANTS!!


Active Member
i have 5 plants growing right now, theyve been growing for the past month and arent big at all. the stems are about 3-4 inches and they have 2 or 3 sets of leaves on them but i noticed that a couple of the leaves that were very green before are starting to turn yellowish, how can i fix this? and how long does it take until the leafs actually get big like a regular plant?


Well-Known Member

There are several things that can slow a plants growth, Most common is not enough co2 in the air. Another is the plant is not getting the right amount of light, water or nutrients.

Not sure about the other question. By now your plants leaves should have at least 5 points or fingers and about a foot tall.

I would say tryand get some fresh air to them and drop the lights a bit closer for a few days, see if that helps.

The yellowing of the leaves usually means the plant is moving the nutrients in the leaf to another part of the plant that needs it more. You can check your nutrients but I think that leaf will just die anyway.



Active Member
I would check the pH, make sure its about as close as possible to 5.8. Then nutrients, which is probably N deficiency. Good luck.


Active Member
I was thinking that the plants weren't getting enough sunlight or warm weather, they have been watered well but i live in NJ and i can't do much about the weather. I am growing these outdoors and they are still in plant pots right now. i will have pictures put up my tonight so that you guys know where im at right now. Im not exactly sure how to change ph or do anything with that but after you look at the pics. hopefully you can help me out more.



With long stems like that, your lights are too far away...they are stretching seeking out need more and closer light IMO.



Well-Known Member
You will find most people on this forum are stoned. Be careful who's advice you take. Including mine. lol. With that being said, I assume you got some dirt from outside and filled those containers, planted your seeds and watered them every couple days. If thats the case and they have not received direct sunlight well then, thats about what you get.

I am glad to see they are still alive. IMO they are going to need some light man. As you said, you cant control the sunlight, unless you want to move them indoors and put a light over them you will just have to wait.

If that was daylight, when you took those pics, No, you need more than that.


Active Member
alright, i actually used some good soil that i had bought last year. they grew quickly and all but i guess i should move them indoors and have a floro or something on them all the time? what light should i use? would a reglular flouro be ok? you think theyll die soon because they are stretching out too far?
if you're doing this on the cheap (which no offense it seems like you are), get a qtip, floss, and loosely tie your seedlings to the qtip to keep them from falling over. You definitely need some fluoros asap to supplement the little sunlight they are getting. Go get the biggest compact fluorescent light bulbs you can find, and keep them approx. 2 inches above the tops of the plants. this will be a temporary solution, however, as you'll need way more to bring these gals to harvest. build yourself a stealth cabinet, mate.


Active Member
alright, well its not like i was gunna go big on my first grow you know? i will go get dual flouro tubes and hang em over my plants so that they can hopefully start growing fuller and get where i need them to be. i cant make a cabinet but im sure the table with light will do. hopefully they dont die on me cuz i got no more seeds left lol. i have one of the plans held up with sticks because its drooping but the others seem fine even after one month =)