Need help with dilema


Active Member
Wow.... what the hell happened? You may want to mention the nutes, soil, lights and everything else about your grow cause people will ask that. I've never seen that either so I have no idea.
Erm its a 600w hps with 2 fans and 2 extractors

The soil is miracle grow soil. The nutes was ironic soil bloom

As for what happened they was fine in veg but soon as they went on 12/12 that lady went like that. The other 6 are fine. Well a few spots but nowt major. Ive got bat special bat quano medium to put them in but i carnt till i find out :-(


Active Member
Well I do know that Miracle Gro is like the worst soil to use but you've had it in Miracle Gro the whole time right?
Hopefully someone helps you out soon :(
Nah when i got them they was in pure coco well neglected all pail yellow veged them is shit soil for a few weeks untill i went and got a bag of that as a quick repot. (they looked well sick)
Aye its shite soil like.

Ive flushed them twice now. I hope so too mate cause im needing a good yeild for a smoke sesh lol
Yeah i did when they was about 3 inches high they looked mint untill they was in second week flower. Do u think its worth transplanting into the bat guano medium i got?


Active Member
Well you always want to transplant into the same medium that you started your plant in. I haven't used bat guano so I don't want to give you a wrong answer. But also if they've been doing good this long that may not be the problem. That's just such a weird looking problem that I don't even know dude
Tell me about it lol. Ive done a few crops before but never had this problem EVER.
Its crazy. Thanks tho bud. Ill have to put another thread up tomoz see if any 1 knows


Active Member
I tried looking through the forums cause I know I've seen other forums about "rust spots" but I couldn't find anything but I only went through a few pages. So if you have some time go through the problems forums and look for "rust spots" and see what others said. Sorry, I know it's kinda frustrating when no one responds and shit.


Well-Known Member
m.g is high in ( N )

but i do not think that is your problem

i grow in mg also , i start in a different soil though

but depending on what strains im growing the mg does well for it or it wont

but you got some brown looking shit mixed in the color and idk what that is

if it was just yellow and shit then i would have more then likely blamed it on ( N ) def.

but with all that brown shit mixed in with it , i just dont know

iv never seen that shit my man

could be , cal mag , ph ect

ill see if fabfun will come check it out

hes pretty knowledgeable on these matters


i just sent him a msg to come check it out

if he is on maybe he will stop by

best of luck to you my man


Well-Known Member
bro i dont know much about soil grows ive been in hydroponics for years ,...but i guess all opions are welcome you cant see the leaves up close from the pics they dont blow up large enough. but,.....if i had to make and educated guess it looks like some nutrient burn,....alson some type of infestation .....on top of some of the leaves you should check youre garden for any pest problem ,get some fly papper or sticky papper,......put it in also search up on any diffrent types of nutrient diffencies......flush your soil....get some pearlite to mix with your soil...also check the ph,.and ppms......ill do some checking but i hope it helps fam!!...


New Member
damn i seen that shit on my leaves in of some in my last grow
it is like leaf cells are dying or getting killed and only a skeleton of it is left
i cut them off to where it is green but as to the cause i forgot sorry im hign but i will get u some help bro or do my best hold on got to go find some people



Active Member
I almost want to say deficiency. But it could be lockout due to over saturation.. MG has that crazy time release shit that makes the medium practically impossible to flush.

If it wasn't for the time release fertilizer, I would tell you to flush with plain water. Take a couple gallons of water and just run it through the pots. Then hit it with your nutrient solution.

But since it is MG, i think the water you would use to flush would actually dissolve more nutrient salts and thus continue to lockout your nutrients. Might even burn your roots up.

Ok, since you can or can't flush, the best advice i can give you is to foliar feed.

Mix a gallon of 1/8 strength nutrient solution. Add a drop of martha stewarts plant based sudless dish washing machine soap for extra wetting agentness and shake. Fill a squirt bottle with the solution and spray your leaves.