Need help with first grow


Hello I am wanting to start growing and I wanted to start small with a plant or two and I'm looking for advice. I have a pretty low budget and was looking into a cfl grow but I was wondering if that's a good way to start. I was also wondering where a good place to get seeds from is. PLEASE HELP:weed:


Well-Known Member
you can grow in floros. start to finish. but you'll only get what you put into it. dank ain't cheap. even 125w floro will yield some nice dank. buy good genetics. that's really important. good luck.


Active Member
agreed, you reap what you sow.

i know many a grower that has started under CFL 23watt lights.. buds are not as dense but they are very sticky!

dannyboy- i love that avatar man! ive seen it around a few times and cant get over the smokey look to the lines



Active Member
hey wassup bro how much is your budget if you dont mind me asking ? i would say if you can get a 150 hps for 70 iy will pay it self of on your first yeild.if not i would get two 68wcfl and two small ones.but the hps will make a hell of alot of diffrnce in yeild and wieght and how dence the bud is. also i would say grow in dirt and use cutting edge nutes thier cheap and good, and dirt is alot more forgiving. genetics are also good but dont get tricked by the price or brand name they have do your researc alittle, personally if you have the space and time i would go with reggular seeds cuz that way you will learn about the cannnibus plant in bouth forms male and female and you would learn alot of useful info. i would go witih cali connectoins, tga for sure bro you cant evere go wrong with them and dna also resin. and if you got bag seed thats cool to bro you can make dank from bag seed, it juts count on you and how much time and love you put into to you plant, and making sure your doing things the right way. good luck bro on you grow.


Thanks guys this info really helps and I am very passionate about this grow lol I plan on putting as much care and love as I can but I will take a look at that hps but also how many of those cfls would I need for just a single plant start to finish?


Active Member
wassup bro. i would get two 68w cfls with one or two small ones the 13wcfls. for veg u can only really run one 68wcfl if ur doing one plant.


Active Member
it dose but not really when it comes to cfls just get the cool white cfl for veg and for flowering go with the warm cfls they produce the redish tint of light they need and spectrum


I was going to try to keep it at about 100-150 but I still need my nutes, soil, and anything else I would need for a good grow and especially my seeds


That's what I was shooting for that's why I was going with a cfl grow at first then work my my you think it could be done?