Need help with germination...


New Member
around 80 f is good temp
Thanks. My setup is correct then. Heating pad is set to 80 Deg F and my temp/humidity monitor is registering 77 Deg F and 50% humidity, inside the grow closet. The temp and humidity under the dome my be hotter and more humid then this.

My understanding is that the ideal temp is 80 deg F and 60% humidity.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. My setup is correct then. Heating pad is set to 80 Deg F and my temp/humidity monitor is registering 77 Deg F and 50% humidity, inside the grow closet. The temp and humidity under the dome my be hotter and more humid then this.

My understanding is that the ideal temp is 80 deg F and 60% humidity.
that will work great, the post about the cable box is good, I used to just set the cup(paper towel method of germination)recommended by many seed companys) on top of a light fixture,
what you just told me will work well,
When it comes to cloning humidity and temperature are critical,
germinating seeds you just need MOIST


New Member
I have 100% success with germinating in rockwool cubes, however I'm unable to get the seed to form roots or grow, consistently. Some seeds will sprout, others do not.

If rapid rooters soaked in azoz are required to form a strong root system, why are there individuals on YouTube that claim they can place an ungerminated seed in a rockwool cube soaked for 24 hours in water that is PH 5.5 balanced, then place the rockwool cube in a dome under a T5 light, only to have a strong root system form in 7 to 12 days. This claim seems impossible. My experience has shown that the rockwool cubes will dry out before the root system forms.


Well-Known Member
How does one specifically utilize this product?
I have not used this product myself, I am assuming it is a myco. this are living biological bacteria and sometimes a beneficial fungus, they work with the roots of the plant to keep the plant healthy, there are many different types of manufactures of these and many growers have their own preference of them,
I like them too, they are used to keep bad bacteria out of the root zone and make the plant healthy and strong,
your plant will generate its own beneficial micros, but many of these products create a higher concentration of micro organisms with a wider range of them to benefit the plant and its root zone, they also eat nutrients then poop them out so the plant can easily uptake the nutes better,
when growing remember to be pro active not reactive,
don't wait for something to go wrong before you address it, kind of like when you change the oil on your car, don't wait for the car to break down first, be proactive,
don't wait to get pythium or other diseases that can harm your plant, prevent it before it ever happens,
like spraying for bugs, make you a schedule to spray for bugs then do the same thing over and over according to schedule,
this will help a lot in keeping you growing with success and very few problems, stopping bad things from happening before they happen,
about the bug spray, if you spray your plants with a bug spray in veg it can give the bugs very little time in flower to develop wiping out your crop,
many growers like to use organic pesticides for preventative maint and they will not harm the plant or the consumer of the plant,
like the outside of your grow,if you buy some granular bug killers and sprinkle them around the perimeter of the grow it will keep bugs out of your grow area keeping them out BEFORE they ever become a problem,
I like a product called AVID, also sold with the same active ingredient at 25% of the price is a product called LUCID,LUCID is around 80 bucks a quart on ebay, AVID is around 100 bucks a pint,
it takes around 1.5 ml a gallon in a Hudson pump sprayer, Spray around the outside of your home or wherever your grow is,after you have a harvest spray the area with it, the walls floors ,in your veg room spray the plants from time to time,this product and several others are what they call systemic, that means it is absorbed into the plant and any bug that bites the plant will die,
A grow shop MUST have a bottle of this stuff around handy,It is one of very few products that is nuclear to spider mites,
Mites, white flys, root mites and aphids will fuck up your grow in no time at all, everyone will eventually get them, so be prepared and be proactive,try to never have to spray a budding plant with bug killers, if you do it right you will not have to,Merit 75 and floramite are also good products, both are rather expensive,


Well-Known Member
I have 100% success with germinating in rockwool cubes, however I'm unable to get the seed to form roots or grow, consistently. Some seeds will sprout, others do not.

If rapid rooters soaked in azoz are required to form a strong root system, why are there individuals on YouTube that claim they can place an ungerminated seed in a rockwool cube soaked for 24 hours in water that is PH 5.5 balanced, then place the rockwool cube in a dome under a T5 light, only to have a strong root system form in 7 to 12 days. This claim seems impossible. My experience has shown that the rockwool cubes will dry out before the root system forms.
MOST growers do not like to germinate seeds in rockwool,MANY SEED COMPANYS RECOMMEND THE PAPER TOWEL METHOD,
if you have to germinate in rockwool keep a spray bottle around and MOISTEN it slightly when it starts to dry out
Old school is best drop seed into small clear class and put somewhere safe,after 2-3 days seed seed is born don't leave to long or seed will drown.after 2-3 days sometimes longer take seed out of the water and pot in your soil cover pot with cling foil 2-3 days later seed will sprout take of cling foil put under 150w light and away you go 100% success if seed is a good good luck