Need help with grow box decision


Hi there guys. This is my first post! Yay! I can hardly wait to start growing!

I am a medicinal user (which doesn't mean I don't love pot!), and unfortunately quite ill. I will be getting my grower's license soon. Because of my health, I won't be able to put together my own grow room or box. In my case, a pre-made grow box seems like easy alternative. I know, they're expensive. The first one listed is the only one I've seen with air intake taken into consideration. I've looked at the following with some interest:

The Yielder Max, $1,495,
Bud Buddy, $2,295,
The Super Star, $1,595,
Bloombox, $3,300,

Does anyone have any experience with any of these, or have a better recommendation? My house is rented, so changes would have to be reversible.

I'd appreciate any comments, but please be nice! Heck, it wasn't that long ago that I built a condo for my chickens! Now I probably need open heart surgery at the end of the month. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Those Boxes Look Quite Amazing, If u didnt say you where sick id tell you to stear away from them as a simple mylar built tent would be better (At least for cost) . But Like everything i would suggest You First Let us know a little bit more.

Before going out and spending tons on a Very Sturdy setup like that you should take a few things into consideration.
Strain you want to use , as each strain has different heights and widths. You dont want a monster stavia that will outgrow your box before shes ready.
Number. How many do u plan on growing at the same time
Time - Not all plants need the same attention to get the same results
Grow System. Be it hydro or soil. Hydro can be abit more demanding at times apposed to Soil, last things u want to be doing is trying to get ph correct If you have a heart condition.

Just What i would think about if i was in your shoes.

The Seems to be the most advanced system . As It has the digital redouts and can be controlled via it, But Tbh u could Get alot more pot grown alot easyier with just one bedroom, a powerful light and some plants IMO.

PS. Do u have anybody that could build a box for you? Im Sure You Could Cut costs in half by outsourcing to a mate ;)
plenty of good DIY stealth builds out there.


Well-Known Member
reviews say bloombox is like a microwave and a huge waste.. but great thread Im also interested in these products.


Well-Known Member
if i was you and had the option of a friend or trusted carpenter come in and make you a nice little grow.
you could give somebody half the money you saved from them doing it and have a much sturdier nicer setup cheaper.
just a thought.

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
The bc northern lights boxes seem sick. It as a touch screen automatic system that controls co2 ph tds and lighting and odor control ventilation. If you got that you would never have to worry about a thing. Very expensive but discreet and simple. Get the t5 upgrade that puts t5 lights at the base of your plants. You will have sick yields if you buy from bcnorthernlights.


Thank you for all the responses! I will try to answer your comments/questions.

The problem with hiring someone here to build a grow box is security. I live in an area that has been #1 in the US for drug deaths per capita. I would no doubt end up being robbed. I will have to be very careful about delivery as it is.

I have been studying the different mj strains on, and coming up with high-yield, short plants. I want to grow hydroponically.

I may have a heart problem, but I am not dumb. Before this I was a software engineer for 25 years.

I am favoring the SuperCloset's "The Super Star" at this point. I have been unable to find actual reviews on the web. Any suggestions? I was hoping to find someone here who has used one.

Shaun2000, why would it be hard for me with a heart condition to keep the PH balance correct each day?

grorite, I'm wondering why you think all the grow boxes are a waste of money? Because it's cheaper with a do-it-yourself setup?

Is there a final word on LED grow lights? They sound like a good solution concerning heat, but do they really work or out-do regular lights? I think they look cool, but if that's about it, I'll stay away from them.

Hopefully, if I have open heart surgery, I will recover and feel much better!! I probably need my mitral valve replaced, and will know for sure in a few weeks. I am so excited about this new hobby, that I'm not worrying about surgery. I would like to have it setup before I go to the hospital. What an enticement to get well soon!
Hope to hear from you all again soon! I am going to VapeItNow :weed:


Well-Known Member
wish you best of luck with your health first of all. LED seem to be a good option will have to do a little research i was reading some are cheap and run at full capacity and burn out faster if i had the money and could spend $600 on lights thats what i would do. sounds like if crime is a problem i think you have your best options in front of you.


Thank you for the good wishes, hiitsbob. The box I'm interested in doesn't have a LED option, but there are others that do. I'll read into it more; I like the scientific side of things. My opinion before even studying LEDs, is that they are cheap to make and overpriced because they're a new idea and cool looking. I appreciate your opinion about my options, thanks.


Active Member
You can go to Home depot, get some Ply wood for 50 bux, and pay some one to construct a "cabinet" for you.

Dont just go out and buy the most expensive thing. just because its expensive, doesnt mean its better.
Search around for prices before you finalize your choice..
I was looking for a small HPS for ever, finally, I found one for under 60 bucks... but if i bought the first one i saw... I would have spent like 200$...

Good luck with your health issues.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for all the responses! I will try to answer your comments/questions.

The problem with hiring someone here to build a grow box is security. I live in an area that has been #1 in the US for drug deaths per capita. I would no doubt end up being robbed. I will have to be very careful about delivery as it is.

I have been studying the different mj strains on, and coming up with high-yield, short plants. I want to grow hydroponically.

I may have a heart problem, but I am not dumb. Before this I was a software engineer for 25 years.

I am favoring the SuperCloset's "The Super Star" at this point. I have been unable to find actual reviews on the web. Any suggestions? I was hoping to find someone here who has used one.

Shaun2000, why would it be hard for me with a heart condition to keep the PH balance correct each day?

grorite, I'm wondering why you think all the grow boxes are a waste of money? Because it's cheaper with a do-it-yourself setup?

Is there a final word on LED grow lights? They sound like a good solution concerning heat, but do they really work or out-do regular lights? I think they look cool, but if that's about it, I'll stay away from them.

Hopefully, if I have open heart surgery, I will recover and feel much better!! I probably need my mitral valve replaced, and will know for sure in a few weeks. I am so excited about this new hobby, that I'm not worrying about surgery. I would like to have it setup before I go to the hospital. What an enticement to get well soon!
Hope to hear from you all again soon! I am going to VapeItNow :weed:

Without knowing how bad your heart is i presumed that heavy lifting or dealing with chemicals wouldnt be your thing, but like i say, i dont know your situation ( just wouldnt want to cause u any more stress)

On Some of your other questions.
Yes Hydro is a great way to go, but does require abit of exp to get great yields ect.
I Wouldn't hire anybody u dont trust fully in the first place
On the cost of the box, yes its very expensive. My Setup cost me little under $100 aud and i have grown many plants (will include some simple pics) (Currently Testing a DWC on a basil plant in preperation for a sog clone setup)

On the subeject with LEDS something that ive been learning tons about.
The intial cost is defiantly more expensive but They Pros outway the cons. (U need to get a good LED panel though)
They Use less energy saving u money, They Generate hardly any heat
They are tuned more for growing, Meaning they dont waist pumping out non needed light. More on subject look into PAR

Now there is tons of LED Grow's showing that yes an led Can match a 1000w Hid and even beat it, But They Cost a bundel $2000.
I Myself Will be investing in a Proper LED setup soon



I have been thinking about using the closet in one of the bedrooms! It is also accessible from the crawlspace and an outside wall. It is an old fashioned built-in closet with stained wooden doors and two drawers underneath. It goes quite far up beyond a shelf that I have to strain to reach (but then I'm only 5' 3", LOL). I don't feel well enough to measure it right now, sorry. I understand what you mean about really studying everything before making a purchase. Plus, the house is a rental, so I can only do so much.

I appreciate your comments and good luck wishes. How I pray that I can be myself again. The excitement about growing and talking to people like you is keeping me going right now.


Hope your doing ok, just had a good friends in-law admitted to hospital, for MAJOR heart surgery, i think they call it a "double-pass, or bypass". So best wishes.

I went to my local recycling centre and got 2 wardrobes, tore the front off one, and the back off the other and joined them. Then installed a solid hardwood floor to support the weight of me + my baby.

Next grab some "poly-filler", its white and its just a space filler, very cheap. poly fill the gaps,

back to your recycling centre, this time you want white "CIELING PANT", like for inside on the roof, they are super reflective white. paint the whole inside including the backs of the doors.

buy a $20, 200 - 250 mm extraction fan and put it in the REAR corner of the cabinet (dont wanna chop your head as you go in and out),

cut a hole the same size as the fan, in the OPPOSITE corner, so the extraction is on the rear right?, the intake is on the front left. creating maximum air flow.

There are alot of different opinions on air flow, i stand by changing the air 4 times per minute, 2 times for heat, and 2 times for oxygen.

there are plenty of air flow calculators online. i know what your going through, i have no money and have built a DWC grow room and everything to get my first plant cranking along for under $250.

light + control gear ballast - used
cabinets and polyfiller, paint
balsa wood for light traps
pumps + lines
medium and res (tote)
netting pots, hydroton, nutes, PH test gear, TDS/PPM test gear.

It can be done but you NEED to think outside the square and be resourceful.

i have a 600W HPS, i have measured 8cm of growth in 5 days, DWC, although it was a clone and not a seedling. i dont know if theres a big difference, i assume not. but thought id mention it.


Well-Known Member
love the pic diablos lolz , I Also Rent Hence why i made a simple bo, But U Could save yourself tons by looing into grow tents. They range from what 100-500 bucks so still alot cheaper, Though u will need to buy the rest unlesss u find a Full kit.(tons of them)


i think his problem is he rents, so he gonna get inspections. he needs stealth. thats why i suggested getting 2 used wardrobes and joining them.

Thx i spent 10 minutes this morning, setting my "signature of hate" and picture, if people cannot guess where i live with that avatar. That is a REAL PHOTO, IT IS NOT PHOTOSHOPPED. Roo orgy anyone?


Well-Known Member
lol. Well im in the same boat. I Have a house inspection Every 3 months (kinda funny- As it takes about 3 months to get a full harvest :D ) I Built my first box just inside of a washing machine box . When they come i just turn everything off, spray some smelly spray and Put a Few sheets over it since its already in our storage room. They Dont even pay any attention to it. :D

If i had a Spare Wardrobe to use it would be better, since by law A Real estate agent is not allowed to Look inside any thing like that.


i know, im worried about the smell, im estimating an inspection while im 1/2 way through flower, so its gonna smell bad. I have a make shift carbon filter, but when i put it on it bogs the fan down hard, i lose half my airflow and my temps creep up..

i plan to burn bacon and popcorn on the stovetop just as the realestate arrives. and when the real estate enquires about the cupboard, because im a super nerd, my house has circuits and components scattered everywhere, ill jus say its where i make my circuits, say there is acid and what not in there and its a "safe" room, a controllable enviroment. If she wants to look, ill simply say no due to health reasons, i will not be responsible for the real estates health. should work. unless the agesnt is a toker aswell.

just so you know, you use acid and bleach on a piece of copper to make a PCB (printed circuit board).


You are absolutely right, Diablos, and thank you for the information! The heart surgery I probably need is to replace my mitral valve. I feel quite weak most of the time, but I am of good spirit. :-)


Well-Known Member
i know, im worried about the smell, im estimating an inspection while im 1/2 way through flower, so its gonna smell bad. I have a make shift carbon filter, but when i put it on it bogs the fan down hard, i lose half my airflow and my temps creep up..

i plan to burn bacon and popcorn on the stovetop just as the realestate arrives. and when the real estate enquires about the cupboard, because im a super nerd, my house has circuits and components scattered everywhere, ill jus say its where i make my circuits, say there is acid and what not in there and its a "safe" room, a controllable enviroment. If she wants to look, ill simply say no due to health reasons, i will not be responsible for the real estates health. should work. unless the agesnt is a toker aswell.

just so you know, you use acid and bleach on a piece of copper to make a PCB (printed circuit board).
Lol, but seriously dont worry, By Law The inspectors are only allowed to check for physical wear and tear of the house, They are not allowed to inspect inside any Cupboard Or anything closed. This includes Boxes fridges Ect. If They Do , Say that you know your rights and that This is against the renters agreement and that They Can ask the RTA for permission. The RTA Will Of course tell them no way in hell.

If However Your a private renter this is differnt as real estate agents have to abide by the RTA Rules and privater agents dont.