Need help with hermies

Hi every one
Im a new grower and im in week 4 of flowering feminosed green gelato seed
All good until i saw some hermies in 3 of my plants i have a total of 24
I removed them by hand now knowing what it was
Now that i know im afraid all my work will go to waste
Is there any way for me to make profit ,
Is hervesting before the seeds create gonna help me
I wat to hervest before the seeds create and sell it
When does the bud creates the seeds so i can harvest before that happends
Sorry for my broken english but i really need help
I would really appreciate it



Well-Known Member
Seeds develop fast, they only take about 4-5 weeks to be made. If you are only 4 weeks in then you will not be able to harvest before the seeds are starting to be made if the plant has already been pollinated by some of those. If you are only getting a few sacs at the bottom and you can pull them off before they release pollen, you'll be fine. It sounds like you were already doing this, and if you got them all then there might not be any seeds in the flower at all.

If the plants are going hermie all over the plant then I would kill just those plants, but if they are just at the bottom and you ripped them off you should be fine as long as more don't keep popping up.

There is a chance with hermies too that the pollen is sterile and wont even make seeds at all.


Well-Known Member
Actually the plant was full of these
Should i throw it ?
Personally yes I would kill plants that go full hermie because they will probably keep releasing more balls and pollen. You said you have 24 plants, I would personally kill any that herm at all, but definitely the ones that went full herm everywhere. Ones that herm just a tiny bit at the bottom might not do it again if you clone them and then run the clone.

Chances are if they went full hermie you are going to get some seeds in the flower of the plants that was around those plants or possibly all of them in the room. If you harvest early, you will still have seeds but they will be small, green and immature.

Personally I would kill the herm plants and keep the rest, just finish them and see what happens. Since you only have about 4 weeks left to harvest it seems like it would be better to have a bunch of weed with seeds in it than to kill the room and start all over again. Just make sure if you cloned the plants to not keep the herm ones and next run look out for herms better. Its something you will always have to do.

Be very careful ripping out plants that have balls on them too, it could release more pollen in the air so be gentle.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
you say you were growing feminised seeds??? if so, then you shouldent have any hermies, even with rough or bad treatnment, they should stay as female plants. are you sure you have male sacs and not the start of female flowers??
the swolen female looks like a male flower in a way, i think your getting muddled up with your flowers


Well-Known Member
you say you were growing feminised seeds??? if so, then you shouldent have any hermies, even with rough or bad treatnment, they should stay as female plants. are you sure you have male sacs and not the start of female flowers??
the swolen female looks like a male flower in a way, i think your getting muddled up with your flowers
Those are definitely pollen are you going on about?

go go kid

Well-Known Member
oops i missed the pic, sorry and thanx.. id still wonder why your getting hermies from female plants. who did you get the seeds from??
i would be worried too if i got hermied plants from feminized seeds


Well-Known Member
oops i missed the pic, sorry and thanx.. id still wonder why your getting hermies from female plants. who did you get the seeds from??
i would be worried too if i got hermied plants from feminized seeds
It means they were seriously stressed at some point.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
Hi every one
Im a new grower and im in week 4 of flowering feminosed green gelato seed
All good until i saw some hermies in 3 of my plants i have a total of 24
I removed them by hand now knowing what it was
Now that i know im afraid all my work will go to waste
Is there any way for me to make profit ,
Is hervesting before the seeds create gonna help me
I wat to hervest before the seeds create and sell it
When does the bud creates the seeds so i can harvest before that happends
Sorry for my broken english but i really need help
I would really appreciate it
you should be ok, the preflowers will be the only seeded parts of the plants, and only if the male flowers had opened and released pollen before you had got rid of them . you should still be able to grow a crop with only a few seeds, your plants should flower normaly from now on if the hermied plants have been removed and growing conditions stay good