Need help with how much light is necessary


Active Member
i am growing in a 5ft tall 2x2 grow tent. i am saving up to buy a hps light and i was wondering how many watts would be enough to grow just one nice big plant.


Well-Known Member
yea a 400w dimmable would set you off fine. 400w straight might be alot of heat for a 2x2x5 but you can work it down with the dimmable and use the full 400w if you upgrade the room size.


Active Member
I would recommend 400w in a sealed reflector with exhaust. This will give you the best yield for your space and if done correctly you can control room temps very easily.


Active Member
yea a 400w dimmable would set you off fine. 400w straight might be alot of heat for a 2x2x5 but you can work it down with the dimmable and use the full 400w if you upgrade the room size.
the thing is i dont plan on going any bigger than that and i would imagine a 400w would be a little hard to manage the heat.


Active Member
how much do you think i would yeild if i had a 250w light. i know it varies depending on the experience of the grower and the strain. but what would you say could be the difference between the 250 and the 400