Need help with major spider infestation


Active Member
Spider eggs have hatched in my greenhouse and the little buggers keep spinning webs on the tops of my flowering plants! Anyone have an idea of how to get rid of them? So far I've been dewebbing the plants and squishing spiders but they are the size of dust flecks
How far along in flower are u.if not to far i use the same thing for every bug I encounter . habanero pepper spray it kills every bug I've sprayed so far and u don't need to soak ur plants like u would with spider mites so just go along mist the spiders they will die don't hurt the plants but will hurt u lol it is peppers watch the eyes and sensetive skin areas ..
5 peppers per liter . cut up and simmer them for 20 mins don't boil it will ruin the good stuff .but I would say I don't use this method past 4-5 weeks in flower. If ya do spray them down with clean water few times before harvest incase u get some spicy buds..
Does Habernero kill them or just repel them?

Apparently Vinegar kills spiders. Will a diluted vinegar solution hurt my plants? Apparently it can be used as a herbicide on areas where you don't want weeds. Is that because it kills the weeds or because it changes PH of the plants medium?