Need help with my outdoor mix


New Member
Hi all! I'm new here as a member but have been lurking around for some time now reading and what not. I have grown indoors before but never outdoors. I'm going to do an outdoor grow with 5-10 plants. Will probably be Sannie's Heribei fems and either JackBerry, Big Buddha LA Cheese or maybe a G13 Labs strain. I plan on digging 7-10 gallon holes or using 7-10 gallon grow bags. I dont want the plants to get real big. 5-6 feet will be good for me. I just want to ad everything to the soil and just have to water from start to finish. I want to keep visits to a minimum. Heres my mix. A super soil so to speak. I found this recipe but think it is used for indoors. What else should I add? Should I add more of something? I plant to go from peat pots to 2 gal pots then to the ground or final grow bags. Thanks for any info.

8 bags roots organic soil
25lbs worm castings
5lbs steamed bone meal
5lbs blood meal
5lbs high P bat guano
3lbs soft rock phosphate
3/4 cup epsom salt
1/2 cup dolomite
1/2 cup azomite
2 tbsp humic acid


Well-Known Member
I think youll find mixing soil is some work, If I were you go with promix and a slow release nutrient for limited visits, and if your wanting to go a simple organic route, simply espoma, plant tone, or tomato tone would proably work as well. mix whatever amounts advised, if it doesn't feed your plant the whole season you can still top dress later on


Active Member
your on the right track rp, check over in the organics section lots of good recipes going around. to me the mix sounds pretty good, I don't know how big roots organic soil bags are is nor do I know if it contains any nutes on it's own. if it does like say fox farm ocean forest soil already have ferts added you will fry your plants by adding heavy. also 25 lbs of worm castings seems light for 8 bags of any soil unless it already contains some?
go read up over on the organic section I have learned bunches there.


Well-Known Member
I think youll find mixing soil is some work, If I were you go with promix and a slow release nutrient for limited visits, and if your wanting to go a simple organic route, simply espoma, plant tone, or tomato tone would proably work as well. mix whatever amounts advised, if it doesn't feed your plant the whole season you can still top dress later on
how do you top dress exactly?


New Member
thanks for the replies friends. been doing tons more reading and such. that mix is on subcools youtube channel. ive read to use 1/4 to a third of the mix in the bottom of the pot or hole and fill the rest with unmixed roots soil. since this will be for outdoors im thinking fill the pot or hole 1/2 full then the rest with plain roots soil. im looking for simple and easy. dont want to lug around nutes and all. just want to water for most of the plants life but realize i may have to a top dress later. i want to use black strap with waterings during flower as well. thanks again friends


Well-Known Member
thanks for the replies friends. been doing tons more reading and such. that mix is on subcools youtube channel. ive read to use 1/4 to a third of the mix in the bottom of the pot or hole and fill the rest with unmixed roots soil. since this will be for outdoors im thinking fill the pot or hole 1/2 full then the rest with plain roots soil. im looking for simple and easy. dont want to lug around nutes and all. just want to water for most of the plants life but realize i may have to a top dress later. i want to use black strap with waterings during flower as well. thanks again friends
?your not asking for simple and easy mixing super soil, You need to get all the amendments, mix them , let them sit and cook, and then have to find a way to get the loose soil out to your spot. you mustve misunderstood because its not difficult. Im not sure how hard It is to bring a light bag of nutes with you on a monthly basis, other than that, your just watering. but what ever you want to do


New Member
simple as far as feeding and watering. at watering time i want to get 2 buckets of creek water on the way and water and get the hell out. ya know? i know im going to have to mix all this stuff together and let it cook. im only doing 5 plants at my spot so it wont be too bad hauling grow bags full of soil in.


Active Member
when making a new spot dig the hole(s) and bring your soil and nutes and mix right on the spot. bring your nutes premeasured it easy to mix them in while filling the hole up. do this early spring a month or better before you plant, soil will be fine, cooked great and rain watered. if you think it needs to be mixed better a tarp will work. i thought i needed to do this but only wasted time for years you can mix and fill fine.
the tarp is a good thing to bring while digging so you can toss the dirt you dug up on it and haul it a short distance. this can be tough but its worth it not to have piles of fresh dug dirt around
I have tried to carry my soil premixed to my spots but if you must grow like i in the bush it makes for a fuck load more work carrying it mixed and unbagged.