Need help with my seedling!

My seedling is about 3 weeks old and compared to most 3 week old seedlings, its tinyyyyy and doesn't stand up on its own but i'm thinking it's because of the way that it germinated(sprouted from the side). I'm wondering could the growth have been stunted?
I'm starting my plant off using an aerogarden then once it gets big enough i'm gonna transplant it.
Also, the older leaves seem to being looking fine but the smaller ones are about to shrivel up and die it looks like. Started off getting tiny brown spots and now they are just about shriveled to death. Is there a way i can still save the ones that haven't been affected?
I've experienced the purple stem but flushed my system the other day and that seemed to lighten the stem a little, adding a little nutrients(the aerogarden nutes) because at first i added a tiny bit of foxfarm grow big i'm afraid that may have been too much.
Also, the ph seems to be under a 6.8, anything further idk because my ph reader only goes up to that reading-bleh gotta get a new one.
Should i flush and not add ANYTHING else until the ones that haven't been affected grow a little more?

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Well-Known Member
The aerogarden is your problem. Plant that thing in whatever you're going to plant it in. My initial aero experiment shows dead zones in the spray head coverage while other zones get so soaked the stems rot. Wait until you are more experienced growing pot at all before trying stuff like this. I know - aero sounds so simple.
to me looks like reaching for light, ur light source needs to be closer, also i personaly dont like to nute em the first 2 weeks,then i gradualy make the nutes stonger,like a 1/4 sternght to start.also sometimes they come out mutated (growing all funky,n twisted leaves) low yield but tons of crystals everywhere,hopes this help ,no nutes for now flush get light closer should be fine, ol hippy Shotgun peace shit wanted to add watch overwatering that leads to disaster


Active Member
Bro,are you serious? I don't want to sound rude but for three weeks old they are miniscule.Get them the fuck out of that aerogarden crap and transplant them into some proper medium before they die.You might be lucky if they survive.
Why are you flushing a seedling,you shouldn't be even feeding them nutes till after 3 to 4 weeks roughly.They're not getting enough light that's why the stems are stretching and puny!Why are you worrying about purple stems on a seedling?Some strains have purple stems to start but when they're old enough to feed,that sorts it out.
You need to re-plant them into Biogrow or similar,put 'em into six inch pots(with drainage holes) to start and bury them so that the cotyledon leaves(the first set of small leaves to appear) are approx an inch from the medium thus getting rid of the stretchy stem.Put a fan a few inches away from them to try and beef up the stems(bigger stems,more nutrients and goodness can be taken up = bigger and better yield).Water liberally to start(I use no more than approx 100ml per day on that size)with PH balanced water with no nutes until they get bigger.Hopefully this will get them growing normally at least.
Here's four of my Big Buddha Cheese at 27 days,Biogrow medium in 11 litre pots.No nutes till 21 days then start at 1/4 or 1/2 strength,all grown from seed(the small ones are AK47 cuttings 3 days into veg).
Good Luck


The plants in those pics ARE NOT marijuana.
You're actually right, one of the original seeds were in the pod, found this at the bottle of my reservoir.
Seems like the actually marijuana seed germinated but went straight to the bottom?
I'm gonna take it and put it in soil- I'll post a pic of it soon
I am growing in,an aerogarden and everything is just fine and very easy. Seems like the OP tried to grow the garden kit plus the Mary....... Bad idea
Also if you are going to be using an aerogarden should really step it up from the 3 pod...

First the 3 pods have no irrigation to start.

Your sponges that your seeds grow in are to submerged were as in Ur 6/7 and ultra gardens just have the tips.

Also ur lights on the 3pod Start of way to high

To get my aerogarden to the point that I love it, I have added a lot of extras.

Like a reptilian temp/humidity to my area for high/low humidity readings and temp.

A marine aquatender that as a sensor that goes right into my reservoir for my res. Temp. Also has an alarm to set if temps get to hi th and to low.

Installed a air rock and also I am using a Mylar reflector to keep my light from the a/g from bleeding out of the main grow deck....

A/g grows can be very successful and just as good as any other system that isn't running hps...

Just need to read up before you just throw seeds on and hit start... A Lil but more to it then that....