Need help with nutes


Well-Known Member
Never a good idea to use any fertilizer meant for ornamental plants. They can be shockingly high in heavy metals. Tell us more about your grow and we can recommend a proper fertilizer.

High Chief

New Member
Never a good idea to use any fertilizer meant for ornamental plants. They can be shockingly high in heavy metals. Tell us more about your grow and we can recommend a proper fertilizer.
I'm at the seedling stage, any recommendations on diy nutrient sources?


Well-Known Member
I’ve grown with Jobes organic if you can find that. It has worked well for me in the past. I think even Walmart has it.


Hey Mate, I've used orchid food on everything I grow, orchid grow and bloom. If you have nothing else, you will be surprised how good it can be.
Hey you said you were in the pacific too, what about seaweed from the ocean and your fish frames and make your own special brew