Need help with nutrients!


I am a second time grower, my first plant did not yield much because i did not have everything needed. No i have a grow box a beautiful super silver haze which is a month old and looks awesome for her age. I am tryig to apply the fox farm trio according to te chart. I mix one gallon with 3 tsp. of tiger bloom and another gallon with 3 tsp. Tiger bloom. Do i apply both at the same time? Do i mix and fed? Or do i feed one nute then nothing the next day , water on the third day and second nute on fourth day? Please help i am just someone trying to get it right. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
when i did soil, i fed my plants every 3rd watering. and i only watered when the soil is two inches dry from the top. normally, for veg, you want more nitrogen.

if your a beginner, why dont you look into the lucas formula? you cant go wrong with that ever.


Active Member
okay I have seen a grow go all the way through with thoes nutes so hopefully i can guide you (keep in mind it was only bagseed) start giving the nutes after the second week and only at 25% of whats recomended on the feeding chart, when your plants get a few more nodes on them (OR are starting to look hungry) increase it to 50%. It was best to only feed every other week, feeding every week causes nute burn and a generally sad looking plant. Again there are alot of variables when it comes to nutes just remember that the plants will tell you EXACTLY what they need :) you can mix them all in the one gallon jug if you want I would just get a 5gal bucket w/ a lid and mix up a big batch (thats my way of doing thigs) IM only on my second official grow but i do "know a guy" lol who has good experence and gave me the advice im sharing now with you ;) GL HF !!


I would definitely use the lucas formula next time, right now i already purchased the fox farm trio. Stewart when i mix the five gallon do i do one 5 gallon for each nute or multiple nutes in one five gallon? If it is seperate containers do i water with both nutes every other week or do i use 1 of the 2 every other?


Well-Known Member
if you want to stick with fox farm, go to their website and follow their recommended feeding charts. improvising without knowing leads to failure


Yes i have the chart, my question how do you use the chart. I thought i made it clear that i have the chart and dont undertand how to use it. Do i mix all these teaspoons of different things in one seperate and how to administer???


Well-Known Member
noooo.. dont ever add the concetrated nutes together. nutes are measures are in mililiters or teaspoons. just add whatever it tells you to add to a gallon or 4L of water. feed the water to your plants or add it to your resevoir.


Active Member
If your going to use ff nutes , you should flush very often !!
I would use half strength,
Salt buildup sucks


Yes i realize the chart says to flush, but no one is answering my question. Once i have seperate gallons of ff nites, the chart is telling me to use both nutes in one week!!! Do i use both at once? How do i water 2 nutes in 1 week?