Need Help with Pics


Active Member

Alright well i got a 80w=400w daylight cfl in my grow tent.. i have a 5ft tall and 2x2 squared tent. i am growing a skywalker strain and i started her from a clone. my question is do you guys think i have too little wattage in there? someone told me that in growing that what the light is equivalent to in wattage doesnt matter and that its the wattage i use, but the problem is that i heard that it does matter... so idk if i have enough light in there right now or if i need to get more lights in there pronto.

please need help would greatly be appreciated =)


Active Member
yo man,
the wee lady aint looking 2 bad the now and the light uv got the now will do fine for bout another week, just make sure its bout an 1" form the top of the plant.
do u know what colour of light uv got? veg or bloom? red or blue? if cfl is the only way u can go i would suggest adding more light in both something like this would be ok, 80w cfl in warm (red) spectrum and say 3-4 20w+ cool (blue) spectrum. just remember to have more warm or red spectrum light for flowering.
I must say though if u can afford to get say a 250-400w hps light then u could happily veg under what uve got. i personally use a 40w blue spectrum cfl for veg them switch to 400w hps 1week proir to flowering


Well-Known Member
one of the most important factors in the lighting is the type of lighting ur using. daylight meaning? it can be different things dependant upon the brand/light. For vegging ur light should be around 6400k, & for flower around 2.7k or even 2.0k. I dont grow a whole cycle with cfl, but is seems most people that do, use on average 6, 23 watt bulbs, so in comparison.....ur short with ur one 80w. so I would definitely suggest u pick up at least 3 of the 23 watts & if u can position them to the sides of ur plant, while u maintain the one overhead, I think u will be set.


Active Member
yeah unless u wanna get some more daylight bulbs to add till then its up to you, but the more the better, always. just mind and have more of the relevent light colour for what stage ur in. what are u feeding her, her leaver are saying not enought nitrogen i'd say


Active Member
right now i am using these nutrients that my hydro store gave me for free and i have only watered it twice with nutrients... but i plan on buying some better ones when i get paid, which would you recomemnd.... and would you say i have the right kind of light in there right now?


Active Member
yup right 1 for veggin......a very white light as opposed to a more yellowish colour, used in flowering. erm to be honest nuits are ur choice, just get a 3 part based 1 as it allows more control of each element, n-p-k. whatever 1 of ur free nuits is the grow will have a higher N value in the N-P-K ratio on the bottle, add a little extra of that 1 and see if that darkens the leaves back to a healthy colour......oh i u want to know what i use its GHE flora 3 part series


Active Member
yup right 1 for veggin......a very white light as opposed to a more yellowish colour, used in flowering. erm to be honest nuits are ur choice, just get a 3 part based 1 as it allows more control of each element, n-p-k. whatever 1 of ur free nuits is the grow will have a higher N value in the N-P-K ratio on the bottle, add a little extra of that 1 and see if that darkens the leaves back to a healthy colour......oh i u want to know what i use its GHE flora 3 part series

would you say to put my soft white light in there right now or should i wait till flower and put some extra daylight bulbs when i get paid next week? its cause someone scared me last night saying that i shouldnt expect really any yield from my plant cause i have not right amount of wattage and the right light.... and thanks on the nutrient advice i will keep that in mind when i buy some..... do you think it would be to late for me to LST my plant?


Active Member
put them in the now untill u get the others next week. i have seen decent nothing groungbreaking yeilds from cfl's on youtube, have a look....just type cfl grow......but dont expect anything more than 1oz max per plant.....and thats u doing good.....but for what itll cost u to run its nothin to complain bout......lst ur plant if u like just be careful not to snap anything and it will allow more light to get to lower branches which would be good in your case.....just a little at a time and let plant recover from the stress.....if ur going to veg for say 2 more weeks while lst-ing i'd say get 1 more bright white light then when u switch to flowering just keep adding more warm cfl's as u like


Active Member
would you say im pretty close to putting my plant in the flowering stage... right now the plant is 4 weeks old is about 15in tall not counting the pot.... when should i switch to flower.. keep in mind i got 5ft tall tent.


Well-Known Member
yeah dude 80 actual watts is gonna give you piss poor end product.
you might be able to veg with it but not great....

when it comes flower time, that thing isnt gonna do any kind of work that i imagine you expect. dont mean to scare you but its the truth

if your hapy with just growing weed, then stay w what you got cause it will "grow"
but your not gonna yield hardly anything

i was young once, and learned this exact lesson... took me 8 years to try growing again
plenty of time to research and find out what i did wrong, and whats the right way to do things


Active Member
so i should put my other cfl in my tent asap? but what i am not sure is that it is a soft white cfl and the one i got in there right now is daylight.. would me putting it in the tent affect the plant because its not ready for that light or should i wait to buy more daylights. when i do buy some more cfls(not sure when i can) how many and of how many wattage should i buy them. i know that when i do get them i need to start putting them around the plant instead of just having one on top by itself.


Active Member
like mystified it will grow but not yield much, but its a learning process and rather than spent a lot of cash setting up a grow room with topspec stuff, ul get to know how cannabis grows and gain experience as a grower, if thats all u can afford to do this time then ull end up with a wee smoke if u take care of her......with regards to flowering and hight......u know better than any1 how its grew(its vigor), plants will often double hight in flowering but if ur lst ing her you could go a bit longer, get more growth in the lower section. why not start a journal, there plenty of peeps willing to lend an


Active Member
the thing is that i have the money to but more cfls and put more wattage.. but the thing i could afford was buying a expensive HPS light. so i could buy more cfls i just dont know how many more would be ideal for this size of tent. im not trying to learn the hard way about growing MJ the right way lol i want to get a decent yeild even if it means spending $50 more on more CFLS. just let me know what i could do right now to up my yield... from more light to topping and LST... this plant is kind of my expirement plant and i just want to see where it goes so for my second yield will be perfect


Well-Known Member
you'd be so much better off spending @120 at homedepot
t5 light for veg, and a 150w hps for flower, look in their outdoor lighting section

its not much but its a ton more than what your giving and wil at least produce something


Active Member
it will not do the plant any harm putting ur spare light in the now as long as its a will not harm the plant or cause any changes other than more light being available....i guarentee u this....true you will be adding more light used in flowering but the plant will take what it needs from whats available. more of the white light is better but more of the other is better than less. feel free to take it out next week or whenever u get the u have any grow shops near u or are u able to shop from ebay?


Active Member
you'd be so much better off spending @120 at homedepot
t5 light for veg, and a 150w hps for flower, look in their outdoor lighting section

its not much but its a ton more than what your giving and wil at least produce something
the thing is that i wouldnt be able to spend that much right now on lights.. i am for sure getting a hps light for my next grow but cfls will have to do for now.. how many more would you say i would need on top of that 80watt cfl? maybe 2 42watt, one on each side of plant?


Active Member
it will not do the plant any harm putting ur spare light in the now as long as its a will not harm the plant or cause any changes other than more light being available....i guarentee u this....true you will be adding more light used in flowering but the plant will take what it needs from whats available. more of the white light is better but more of the other is better than less. feel free to take it out next week or whenever u get the u have any grow shops near u or are u able to shop from ebay?
alright i will make sure to throw that other light in there today. thanks man, help greatly appreciated! +rep!!! there are quite a few hydroponic stores around my town and yeah i have shopped off ebay, i bought my light from amazon. what do you have in mind man =)


Active Member
i totally agree with mystified it has to be said m8, but if u need help with what uve got thats cool, but yes if u want good to excellent yeilds and great day to day growth go get a hps in the uk and my 400w ballast and bulb cost me £50 or bout $75ish......trick is i buy the ballast or gearing unit that is used commercialy in streetlighting, front of business, petrol stations ect......from a place called screwfix, dont know if use have it wherever u are but am sure that there will be some sort of contracors store or electriacl supplies place near ya?


Active Member
if i could buy a HPS light with ballast for around $60 i would do it, but i havent came across one in that price range lol i am in southern california, so what would be ideal for the light i put in there using only cfls? how many watts should be in there total by usage not equivalence?