Need help with seedlings

Hi i just placed my freshly germinated seeds in my diy aeroponic system. My question is can my rockwool/seeds get too wet? My system is spraying a good amount of water so i didn't know if to much h2o might be harmful or should i be good? Also they are under my 600 watt hps turned down to 50% and it is about 3 ft higher than the top of my system is that ok? Thanks in advance for any and all answers


Well-Known Member
Yes Rockwool will drown your seedlings it needs to be moist not wet..
Small cfls or led bulbs are best for starting seedlings.. Hps will make them stretch too tall but can be used
if it's all you got... 75-100 watt equivalent led bulbs work great..
Thanks guys i really appreciated it. Should i run the pump on a timer when the roots break through? Also, it looks like my seeds flipped themselves over or something bc i had the tail down in the rw when i planted them now its up and it looks like its curling away from the light back into the rockwool. Am i tripping or does this happen/ is there a reason for that? I'll see if i can post a couple pics