Need Help With "Special Brownies"

Hidden Agenda

Well-Known Member
well im not a scientest,but i do own a culinary the kitchen when we wanted to impart flavor into an oil,you wood barely put temp. into the oil.consequently id be real careful w/ heat and length of cook time w/ butter. personally ive made brownies a handful of times and the high is terrific.good luck!

Very correct sir, you only want to heat it to the necessary temps and not much more.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
if i baked the weed into the brownie mix, but didn't eat the brownie immediately, would that be ok? Cause i would ahve to eat it at a later time. basically... will the THC be trapped inside the brownie?
much better to make cannabutter and add that (butter) as specified in the recipe


Well-Known Member
I ate some homegrown Bubba Kush the other day before a Jason Mraz concert. I didnt have time to roll a joint before the show, so I just grabbed a few nugs and started to chow down. It was pretty damn tastey too!! And yes, I got high. Very very high. It wasnt no fucking placebo effect either.

On a side note, I rarely eat plain weed. I normally make cannabutter for brownies and cookies. A friend of mine put an ounce of grinded up weed directly into cake mix. It was pretty damn delicious.


Hidden Agenda

Well-Known Member
Wow. what a waste, and the choice to remain ignorant.

Yes, some of the thc will become active directly in batter, but it is very wasteful and pointless

It's not stupid for someone to not know this because of ignorance, but it is stupid to keep trying to argue that dumping weed directly into food is a good way to make any kind of thc infused food. Ignorance becomes stupidity when you ignore science and facts.


Well-Known Member
Wow. what a waste, and the choice to remain ignorant.

Yes, some of the thc will become active directly in batter, but it is very wasteful and pointless

It's not stupid for someone to not know this because of ignorance, but it is stupid to keep trying to argue that dumping weed directly into food is a good way to make any kind of thc infused food. Ignorance becomes stupidity when you ignore science and facts.
Ok, first, your personal attacks and childish behavior will not be tolerated around here. Grow up

Just because you arent mature enough to reasonably discuss a subject does not give you the right to hurl insults at others. And by the way, if we were face to face I guarentee you wouldnt be so rude. You would think twice before talking to me like that. However the anomity of the internet gives power to the powerless :roll:

Second, if adding weed makes your brownies taste like shit, then it means your weed tastes like shit. You need to quit smoking that schwagg bullshit and upgrade your smoke. Maybe it'll calm your ass down a little bit.

And lastely, I agreed that cannabutter is the way to go. However, (like I said before) I was in a pinch. It was last minute before a show and I had two options....
1) dont eat anything and dont get high
2) eat the weed and get high. Duh, its a fucking no brainer


Well-Known Member
And Im guessing you havent seen my journal/ :roll:

I dont give a flying fuck about wasteing a little bit of high quality Bubba Kush... I have enough weed right now to last a lifetime. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
if i baked the weed into the brownie mix, but didn't eat the brownie immediately, would that be ok? Cause i would ahve to eat it at a later time. basically... will the THC be trapped inside the brownie?
Yeah dude it'll be fine. The THC wont magically disapear or anything. Ive made browines that were too strong before. I couldnt eat all of them so I had to save some for over a month. Still very potent.

Bottom line, if you ingest weed orally and actually think it's working without making tincure or attaching it to fat, you're experiencing what is called placebo, and you're also wasting weed
And that is how misinformation is spread. You are hipocrytical to call other people stupid and ignorant, but then spread gibberish and hot air on the same thread.

Yes, if you eat weed, you will need to eat more than you would normally smoke. But eating weed will still get you high. The more you eat, the higher you get. Duh


Well-Known Member
I don't want to be on a forum that lets such misinformation
Thank God. The sooner you leave, the better this forum will be.

You cant always believe everything you read. Have you visited the faq's?Seriously man, by your logic everything on the inernet is true? :confused:

Sometimes a little common sense goes a long way. I am sorry to inform you, but yes eating weed will get you high. I have done it many many times.

And by the way.... YOU should do some real research and try it for yourself. Instead of relying on someone elses bs


Well-Known Member
Last year my sister made weed brownies with her friend and left 2 on her dresser so I ate them. Worst fucking thing I've ever tasted in my entire life.

they used half an ounce of weed and I think they just poured it in

Hidden Agenda

Well-Known Member
Show me the real research and evidence that you can just eat weed straight and have it be effective.

Yeah, science be damned. you chewed up a bud and you think you got stoned, that's your scientific evidence.


Well-Known Member
Show me the real research and evidence that you can just eat weed straight and have it be effective.

Yeah, science be damned. you chewed up a bud and you think you got stoned, that's your scientific evidence.
I think eating weed has a placebo affect too. it's like when people smoke for the first time and don't actually inhale, then their brain tricks themselves into feeling high.


Well-Known Member
Show me the real research and evidence that you can just eat weed straight and have it be effective.

Yeah, science be damned. you chewed up a bud and you think you got stoned, that's your scientific evidence.
Go find your own fucking evidence and quit posting your nonsensical bullshit here.


Well-Known Member
Its about 11 am right now where I live. I ate breakfast a few hours ago and have NOT smoked any weed today.

I weighed out 1 gram of high quality homegrown Bubba Kush. Which I am eating right now, as I type. :mrgreen:

Damn this shit is chewy haha. Now its the waiting game.... Back in a little bit

EDIT: I just ate another gram. So make that 2 grams total



Well-Known Member
Ok, so its been about 1.5 hours since I ate 2 grams of Bubba Kush/ And contrary to popular belief, I am high :mrgreen:.

Not as high as I would be if I smoked a joint :eyesmoke:, but Yes I am high. And no, its not a placebo effect. Ive been smoking weed for almost 2 decades, so I think I know what weed feels like.

Would I reccomend eating weed straight? Nope. And I never did reccomend it either. I merely stated that it is possible.

Just because you read an article about something does not make you an expert. I can easily find articles that contradict each other. Ive read that farts dont ignite, and Ive seen youtube vids that prove otherwise.
Ive also read that global warming doesnt exist, and Ive read that it does.
Have you visited the FAQ? There are articles about the importance of flushing your plants before harvest, but there is also an article that claims you should NOT flush your plants.... Like I said before, you cant always believe everything you read.

Later, BTF


Hidden Agenda

Well-Known Member
Go find your own fucking evidence and quit posting your nonsensical bullshit here.

You mean facts right? I did post sources

The moderator that edited this thread even sent me a pm saying "your information is 100% correct, but we cannot allow the personal attacks"

I know the facts, and they are everywhere. The burden of proof is on you guys saying that you can straight up eat a bud and get high. You're full of it. Period.

It's funny how articulate you try to sound while choosing to remain ignorant. You guys must live in a world where the easter bunny is real, because the shit you post as facts couldn't be more of a fantasy.

If you choose to eat buds, go ahead. Just don't tell other people that it actually works, because you're wrong.

Hidden Agenda

Well-Known Member
Ok, so its been about 1.5 hours since I ate 2 grams of Bubba Kush/ And contrary to popular belief, I am high :mrgreen:.

Not as high as I would be if I smoked a joint :eyesmoke:, but Yes I am high. And no, its not a placebo effect. Ive been smoking weed for almost 2 decades, so I think I know what weed feels like.

Would I reccomend eating weed straight? Nope. And I never did reccomend it either. I merely stated that it is possible.

Just because you read an article about something does not make you an expert. I can easily find articles that contradict each other. Ive read that farts dont ignite, and Ive seen youtube vids that prove otherwise.
Ive also read that global warming doesnt exist, and Ive read that it does.
Have you visited the FAQ? There are articles about the importance of flushing your plants before harvest, but there is also an article that claims you should NOT flush your plants.... Like I said before, you cant always believe everything you read.

Later, BTF


Just out of curiosity, did you sit in a 350 degree oven after you ate the weed? You do know how hard it is to break down thc without heat, right? I'm assuming you do, since you are arguing facts here. You do know that thc needs to be bound to fat or alcohol to become orally active, right?

yeah, eating buds. a great idea :roll: