Need Help With Super Silver Haze Cloning

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
The Dr needs some help-----I have three super silver haze mothers and have been trying to get clones off them---I have tried AL B FUCT's method twice and have a e-z-cloner that I tried. All my other strains are cloning at close to 100%-----I even did a test in my ez cloner to see if there was something a mis---(half Island Sweet/////half Super silver Haze)---100% of the ISS broke and again not one ssh----anyone that has grown SSH have any suggestions???? Please only post on this thread if you have cloned SUPER SILVER HAZE-------thank you...
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Active Member
Let it ride. Some members may log in only once a week, someone may come along.

Wow. No luck with a cloner. I too have had 100% success with aeroponic cloning.
SSH is on my list of strains to try.
I'm interested to find out what helps.
Good luck!

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I have done side by side trials-----I have an ezcloner with a water chiller and a custom box built just for the cloner----all strains to date have popped roots with the exception of the SUPER SILVER HAZE----all the conditions are perfect----it's been 14 days----I already pulled 2# sets of clones off the other half of the cloner----I'll give them another week in the cloner if they fail to pop they will go into the flowering room and that will be it for the SSH.


Well-Known Member
this is how i cloned my ssh, i took a cutting put the cut end under some cool running water then dipped in some shultz takeroot. placed in a cube of rockwool that was presoaked for 24 hours in ph 5.5 water. then i place cube in a tray above some water with just barely any rockwool in the water. about 8 days later roots are about 4 inches long then i place in a pot with nothing but vermiculite. i have also cloned with just vermiculite with great results

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
this is how i cloned my ssh, i took a cutting put the cut end under some cool running water then dipped in some shultz takeroot. placed in a cube of rockwool that was presoaked for 24 hours in ph 5.5 water. then i place cube in a tray above some water with just barely any rockwool in the water. about 8 days later roots are about 4 inches long then i place in a pot with nothing but vermiculite. i have also cloned with just vermiculite with great results
do u use a humitity tent----if not what is your room hum???-----thanks


Well-Known Member
yes i use a dome, humidity stays round 65 - 75%, i have also cloned without the dome with humidity at 40% but i misted 5 or 6 times a day and sometimes more. The water that i put under the rockwool cube is ph'd around 5.6 - 5.8

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Sent you some rep points for the info-----one last question-----does the tray you set your clones in have ridges in the bottom(like a seed starter tray) and you fill the water up just till it bairly touches the rockwool?---do you use a heatmat?
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Well-Known Member
no heatmat because my room stays around 75- 80 degrees where i grow my clones, it is exactly as you described .sometimes i use a netpot that is 1 and a half inches in diameter, i put that in a dunkin heines frosting lid that i cut a hole in to fit the netpot, then i place in a red party cup the plastic ones. the dunkin heines lid fits perfectly on the top. i fill the cup just till the water hits the bottom.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
very interesting---I might have to give it a try if they don't clone in my set-up. Did your super silver haze plants seem like miniature plants when they are small?--Mine have tons of very small leaves compared to my other strains-very distinctive difference.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
That's again for the info---I'm going to try your method if I don't get the ones I'm cloning to pop.----My only consern with your method is that rock-wool wicks h20-----You don't have a problem with the rock wool becoming to wet by touching the water in the bottom of the cup?----I don't have a lot of rock wool exp as you can tell-I've always cloned in soil- also have an e-z-clone that has worked well for all cloning except the SSH. thank again.


Well-Known Member
no i havnt had any issues yet, i have used the aerogarden to start clones with good results but had issues with stem rot because the rockwool was overwatered. but with my cup and dunkinheines lids i have no more issues. but if you have conserns about that try the vermiculite it really works well


Well-Known Member
sure here it goes,
1st.... Vermiculite method.....
select good clone from mother and cut at 45 degree angle, take cutting and place cut end under running cool water, then dip in rooting hormone. ( i use Shultz TakeRoot) Then i take the newly dipped cutting and place in a 16oz red party cup with holes cut in the bottom filled with vermiculite. once set in vermiculite trim all the leaves on your clone about 1/3rd of the leaf tips off. this helps with transpiration. Mist the clone and place a sandwich baggie over the clone. I take the bag off daily and mist then replace bag. (this method also works well with a 50/50 mix of perlite/vermiculite)

2nd method.... Rockwool..........
24 hours before cutting clone take a red party cup and fill with water, ph water to 5.5, also in another cup take some rockwool and soak in ph'd water (5.5) now the next day take rock wool out of water and place in netpot i use a 1 and a half inch netpot. i place the netpot in a precut dunkinheines frosting lid. The lid is precut for the netcup to fit if there is any gaps in between the lid and netpot cover with blacktape or caulk to keep light from getting to the water and new roots. cut clone put cut end under cool running water for a few seconds, then dip in rooting hormone, then place in rockwool. trim all the leaves still on your clone taking about 1/3rd of the leaf tips off, this helps with transpiration. then mist then place baggie over the clone. remember to take bag off daily and mist then replace baggie.

3rd method i use is the aerogarden...............

This method is the same as the rockwool one just without the cups and dunkin heines lids, with this though you want to unplug the aerogarden and just leave the lights on and your airpumps going the bubbles hit the top of the water and bust. when they bust the moisture hits the botttom of the rocwool and keeps it moist. If you leave the pump on you may run into stemrot problems. at least i did. aPh is 5.5 - 5.8, and misting and baggie is still required.

Light cycle for all 3 methods is 24 hours a day or 18 hours a day.
I have also had success without the sandwich baggies, but had to mist quite reguarly. also when i dont put baggies on i make sure humidity in the grow room is 65 -70%. this should do it any questions feel free to ask.