NEED HELP with veganic soil "recipe"

Idiotic? Funny how people just make fun of things they don't know about or understand... sometimes it's a lot easier to just say a single insult than learning something new, so I don't blame you. I'm sure you haven't read anything about veganics... about how it's actually the most natural way to grow pot or any vegetable for that matter. and I'm sure you don't even care about smoking/eating organic food, so there's really no winning this argument. I personally got tired of consuming nasty, mass produced chems that help out big business, so I decided to go organic. Then doing a little research, I found that even organic has its flaws. Using animal by products is unnatural, and can potentially be dangerous. Having animal shit around you all the time can make you sick, and even bud/food produced with animal derived fertilizers can contain pathogens that make you sick. Think of a plant that is growing out in nature... the soil it is in, is largely composed of decomposed plant matter, a very small percentile is dead animals, or animal feces for that matter. How often does a tree growing out in the forest get a big pile of worm shit dumped all around it? I'm sorry that I decided I wanted to grow the most healthy sustainable pot as possible, forgive me.

You'd do well to practice as you preach. Wet knows his shit, and was trying to give you valuable advice, so of course you insult him. This is the internet after all. If you truly understood the principles behind an organic soil grow, castings would be a must on your ingredient list. In short, don't spout off at people who are trying to help you. Especially when you're only parroting something you've recently read somewhere, but don't fully comprehend. I know I won't help now...
I always loved the "but we have canine teeth" excuse... First, our "canine" tooth compared to that of any true carnivore is quite small, and well, not sharp. Second, the only reason you eat meat, is because of a misinformation campaign that took place back in the day - your children would grow inferior if they weren't feed protein-rich meat.... Fact of the matter is most Americans have too much protein in their diet, and could easily receive the right amount by eating beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and other grains such as quinoa or even vegetables. You see, its simple science actually. Look at our digestive track. Carnivores have shorter digestive tracks, because the meat needs to pass through their body quickly, otherwise it would rot. The ONLY reason you, as a human, eat meat, is because you COOK it. If we didn't cook our meat, it would rot in our belly. In fact, once you go vegetarian/vegan you begin to realize your shit starts to stink less... LITERALLY. But I guess since you're some kind of genius, you'll probably say something like, well I love meat, and I'm an american, so I'll do what I please you hippie idiot. Personally, I didn't "throw the organic term around" to look cool... I actually got tired of being overweight and feeling shitty from eating CHEMICALS, so I decided to eat food that isn't shit. Forgive me for trying to better my health. And yes, there are worms in nature, congrats, you're right for once. However, I find it hard to believe that at any given point in time, a large pile of worm shit is brewed in the clouds, into the rain water, and dumped on any given naturally growing plant... That's the whole point when we grow indoors... to try and recreate nature as much as possible right? I don't get how you don't see that something coming from a worm, which is an animal, is an animal byproduct... Didn't think that was rocket science, but I guess you can't put it past some of these folks these days. I digress though. You're so old an wise... if only I was born back then, and that stupid little number people called "age" was bigger... then maybe I wouldn't have to be on here asking silly questions, I could be pretending to answer them instead! If you honestly think you're smarter, or better than someone because you've been alive longer, than you're obviously a little fucking kid at heart, still trying to play the "I'm better than you" game... Thanks for the chuckle anyway you old, washed up turd.

Green Dragon - Yes I do realize that worm and bat shit do occur naturally, however, my point was, using these things can make you sick... and ultimately can be replaced by vegan supplements, so why take the risk? Also, yes naturally there is bat shit and worm shit, but it NEVER accumulates into 50lb piles, and certainly there are many plants and trees (i.e. every single one on the planet) that survive just fine with what nature provides, and as far as I can recollect, nature doesn't dump piles of shit onto every single plant in the forest to ensure its survival

Dude. Oh. My. God. You really believe any of that hippy dippy mumbo jumbo? If we ate raw meat it would rot? What? I eat raw meat frequently, it's actually much healthier for you, provided that it's free of bacteria etc. Just wow, man. You are absolutely clueless.

I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul...
the veganic is a bit silly imho, natural soils are comprised of dead tissue and alot of soils rely on animal feces for nutrients. If the human diet wasn't so monopolized buy corn, soy, artificial garbage, and processed foods even human feces could be used for nutrients.
Sensi- did you figure out a vegan supersoil? Totally new to organics but learning slowly. I have some supersoil cooking for my first run. I think it is an excellent idea to see if you can come up with a vegan version. Good post!
Wolverine is right, as usual. Raw food, including meat has huge nutrient potential. Raw eggs are some of the best things you can eat, for example.

Obviously the soil is full of dead critters, and their poo. I see the issue being the size of the dead critter or the carnivore's poo relative to the size of the container / pile of soil or compost. In nature the ratio of carnivore poo volume to soil volume is high. Lots of soil relative to poo, so the bacterial ratios don't have to change much. A lot of carnivore poo or dead critters in a compost pile is a completely different ratio and the chance of a wild swing in "bad" bacteria is higher. You could have a nasty mix quick.

I'm cool with blood and bone meal and EWC, but that's as far as I go.
Check out matt rizes thread on veganics. Has everything you need. With out the hate. Likeminded people on there. Seems like more people would be openminded on a website about growing herb. Or just more able to get along. Take a breather and burn one down!
You could look through my journal, lots of info there about my veganic mix. I def. use EWC, I cultivate my own so I have control of what they consume. There's also a discussion in my journal between Rize and I about EWC, amongst many other things....

But yeah check out my journal, or hang out at the veganics thread, you won't get the some of the lame answers you got here. There's a lot of helpful peeps over there, and a lot of info that we've already posted, and if you need help finding anthing on that thread I can also help you....