need help with willowing weeds

ok so the ends of my top leaves of my mommas are kinda fucked up .. looks like they are wiltering alil . im using a 1000w hps light and the temp is ab 75-80. strains are snow but and sage n sour. and as you can see on a couple of one of them leaves it almost looks like something was eating the.. there is small lines in the leaf . idk . and im not a ne.. p.s. i meant to say willowing top leaves not willowing weeds lol .. any help would be awesome thank u



Active Member
that leaf will be history in few more days,watch the next sets,i have 8 going,and the 3 leafers started looking shity,probly cause there slowly dies,to let the next nodes take over,all the new groth looks fine on mine,and yours by the pics ,id watch temps tho in that attic,what do i know,i just like growin it,lol


New Member
did you use any fertilizers at this stage? what water do you use, tap or RO?? Also very important to know the Ph and PPM of water you use.
You need some fans and carbon air filter. (Air around the plants has to be fully refreshed every 5 minutes)
Do not water too often, your soil looks a bit too wet, let it dry before every watering.
i always do let dry out . its in a attic and i use no nutes . just ocean mist soil and the ph around 5.8-6.0 as for pph im not sure , just regular rochester tap . never had a problem before . roots are getting alil over populated but i dont see that doing it . and as for the lil lines in the leaf . it looks cracked but the pattern leans more twords some ate it but i say nothing and its only on one plans . i picked the leaves off so will have to see if it happens again . but yes . any ideas would be helpfull . im starting back up and can not afford for this to go wrong


Active Member
Water ph is low. 6.5 ph water will help. Ocean Forest has been known to be a little to hot for some strains of seedlings/clones. Also the ocean forest has poor drainage and can promote uneven soil drying and cause wet areas in otherwise dry pot. Mix 35 to 50 percent perlite with that soil for better drainage and more even drying of the medium. When you say ocean mist you were reffering to fox farms ocean forest right? Also put some more holes in them cups bottom areas. When u transplant try smart pots or similar cloth style these seem to work well with ffof soil, or a regular plastic style pot with good drainage.