need help with wiring a light controller 120/240


I was able to figure out set up for 240 but found that the ballast can only run on 110. I don't have money for electrician so here asking for help. Here is a picture of my box with wires coming into it. Two hot one red one black one white and copper ground. As you can see I have the red hooked up to the one connection and the ground and white wire to ground.



Well-Known Member
I can't tell what you've done. Did you tape all the wires or are they all black insulated?? Are there junctiins in electrical tape? Thats not the way.

What type of wire and gauge did you use? What model controller?


all the wires are black but they are marked down the wire ill take better pics tomorrow and post for colors. The wire wrapped in electric tape is because I didn't have wire nuts to cover. I place the red wire in one of the 120 and the neutral and ground together and taped the other hot and ill get a wire nut tomorrow. outside the house was a breaker box the must have been wired for a hot tub so I know its a lot of power and the box says 120/240. I had 240 hooked up but I just need 110 for now. the box is from BLUEPRINT HUB-8 120/240 BOX


Well-Known Member
got a link for the controller you got bro? my intermatic- 40a isnt working at the moment the switch is working but the clock/motor doesnt work. just going to replace it

edit* nevermind. not what im looking for bro... but i looks good, drop a link to your grow ill check it out